Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Adious 2011 and Ola 2012~

As 2011 bid us farewell and a turbulent year draw to a close, ol'Jon is continuing a tradition to reflect on the achievements and failures of past year. I've done this for many many years and through this self-reflection, ol'Jon had improved as a human being and will continue doing it till the day the Lord decide to bring me home to Him. So, how has 2011 affected you as a person, be it from the achievement stand point or failure stand point. For me it is one of those many 'mixed' years I had, where success is followed by failures then success and then failure again. I wouldn't say it was a failure year but I too find it hard to call it a very successful year. To put it in a perspective, a solid 6.5/10 rating would summed up my year perfectly.

In the beginning of 2011, my career took a change for the better(I think so) when I was offered a job in ixmation MALAYSIA. It was an upgrade job from Keyence and I enjoyed it to bits. More pay, more authority, more responsibility and more challenge. From a local player, ol'Jon went global, arm twisting with the best in the world. It was a fresh breath challenge for me, something I enjoyed very much. My take on life is best described as dynamic whereby fresh challenges are needed to keep me interested and motivated. I've always had 'heart & passion' on my work and the need to be successful meant that I kept an empty glass attitude. Learning, experimenting, executing and more learning to achieve better results. It was all good and rosy for the 1st quarter of the month.

Friday, December 16, 2011

You'll Never Walk Alone ~ 2012

Lately the Red Army, my beloved Liverpool is playing with zest, style and passion again. It is a faint reminiscent of the 70s & 80s Liverpool team according to residential veteran Red supporter. Truth to be told, I fell in love with Liverpool in the early 90s during my formative years. And during that time, the most hated club in the world, Manchester United were winning everything. In fact they're still doing it at the moment.

Well, it was very tough being a Liverpool supporter during the Manchester Era. 90% of my school mates are Man Utd fans. A couple of die-hard Liverpool supporters are branded as Liverfools and You'll Never Walk Alone tag line is conveniently jotted as You'll Never Win Anything. But like our comrade in Merseyside, we Liverpudians are a tough lot. What we lack in numbers, we counter in passion and aggresiveness. It was a tough neighborhood in Merseyside and that toughness and link to the sea makes all Liverpool supporters(okay, that includes the Evertonians..them bitters!) tough as nails and some say vikings of the modern age.

In a sense, my love and support for Liverpool mirrors my personal well being and choices. For instance, I could safely say that I'm a tough person. My work is very tough but that is because I chose to set a high standards for myself. While I do not wish to set any pre-acceptance standards to my mates, I could've chosen their concepts of life. Why would I chose a tough job with high pressure? Well because I would like to be paid well. And why would I want to be paid well you asked? Because I'm always hungry....and that hunger always spur me on. I'm always hungry for more and no matter what peak I've climbed there is another peak in sight. Let me put it this way, how many 28 years old(yes I can hear giggles from some of my reader who knows me, more specifically my 'old' face but fact = I'm 28 only!) had owned 3 cars(still keeping 2 of it) and are on their second property? All on my own hard earned money? Yea, there are lots of bloke who has more on Daddy's money but let's leave that for another day. I speculate that there are quite a few of them in this world, maybe 2~3% of the 28 years old out there with the same success or more. Two conclusion would be that this type of people are always; 1) HUNGRY and 2) TOUGH as NAILS.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

In the pursuit of Happiness

Stayed back in office during lunch today, yea even with my massive size and appetite; I did skipped lunch today. A combination of work and work related problem makes ol'Jon lost appetite for lunch today. Couple that with my yearly 9 days vegetarian dietary in full swing and the nearest vegetarian outlet is 20 mins away, lunch shall be sacrificed today!

Anyway, today I'm not going to talk about lunch and the benefits of dieting. Well, don't diet, just do more exercise. Enjoy the meat, the cheese, the ice-creams and so on but remember to bring your lazy bum out for an exercise weekly if possible. Run some distance, climb some stairs and get the heart pumping. This way, no matter how much you eat, probably it will be burned out. I'm overweight, no doubt about that as I enjoy my food very much, and I have a liking for good beer as well! However I'm active in sports and can run like a train for up to 2 hours during a game. So I would like to think I'm in a good shape, and mind you ROUND is a shape too.

Friday, September 23, 2011

How much do you love your country?

Recently I overhead two people talking over lunch about Patriotism. Though I'm never a supporter of racism and believes all humans are equal beneath the Almighty God, I was astonished and curious of how each ethnicity defines patriotism. The two gentleman, which belongs to the Malay race were saying how much they love Malaysia because of three criteria; 1) They hang out the National Flag the weeks running to our Merdeka Day(Independence Day). 2) They all support the National Football Team. 3) They are willing to die for their country. Well ol'Jon only agrees to the 3rd point as the other 2 points seems to be superficial to me. You're not a patriot by just hanging the National Flag and certainly it doesn't make sense to support your National Football Team if they're in shambles. The right to criticise and be different does not seems apparent to these gentlemen.

Curious, I then talked to 2 Chinese in my workplace. Apparently to the Chinese(mostly anyway) the term Patriotism is defined as below; 1) Paying your taxes 2) Does not break the law 3) Willing to sacrifice for your country(monetary, effort and even ones life). Again, ol'Jon is a bit appalled that ol'Jon only agree to the 3rd point. Well, you pay taxes because of this country needs your contribution. You do not break the law because of the spirit of Law & Order. It doesn't mean that you're a Patriot by doing those 2 things. However the 3rd point is almost the same as the one talked about the 2 Malay gentlemen previously.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Love Hate Relationship - Updated

The world is going to welcome its 7 billionth inhabitants soon, chances are he/she (the 7th billionth person) would be born in India or China, with Indonesia having an outside chance to get the honor of hosting the Seventh Billionth Living People in the world. That is a lot of people, in fact the most ol'Jon had seen 'live' in person is approx. 80 thousand screaming Red Army watching them in action against the Malaysian National team in Bukit Jalil recently. To summarize and not c0cking on further, there is lots and lots of people out there and when there are lots of people, they will be a lot of opinions. You see, opinion is like an a$shole, everyone has one! And it is not cool to let off wind in the public, it is in fact stinky to do so.

So you might wonder why ol'Jon is blooping about opinions and people and so on this morning? Well, currently I work in an organization of 130ish people and trust me, boy do people here has lots of opinions/assholes in the day to day job! One had the opinion that the company is his birthright, some has the opinion that anything new must comes with concerns, some has the opinion that working is just doing his part, some has the opinion that his/her job is more difficult than others, some has the opinion that deadlines are imaginary boundaries, some has the opinion that changes are bad, a couple has the opinion that this company has limitless potential and one HAD an opinion that the Peacock can fly! Notices all the above uses the phrase, "has the opinion"? They still think that way...

Friday, September 2, 2011

I'm a Malaysian first, Chinese Second....and you can go f*ck yourself if you think otherwise!

A great video by a group of young Malaysian Chinese who are like me, a Malaysian first and Chinese second. If you love Malaysia and are like me, not willing to give up Malaysia, stand up and be counted! Do your country a service, fly the National Flag and Celebrate Merdeka with your love ones......with a good Country then you can have a good Family.....Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!

Daulat Tuanku, Tuhan selamatkan Negara tercintaKu....

Friday, August 26, 2011

Of Peacocks and its reputation~

Pavo Cristasus - anyone of my reader here can guess what that is? A quick googling will reveal that this is the scientific name of the Indian sub-continent Peafowl family. Peafowl is the general term to describe Peacock and Peahen. There you have it, you've learnt something new today from my blog. Hooray, pop the champagne cue the music and roll out the credits! Well, wait a minute there, this is not all ol'Jon had to mumble this morning, no ol'Jon had a more cynical or deeper things to grumble...

You see, long long time ago the Peafowl family can fly. As a matter of personal preference and non-sexist, ol'Jon shall refer the Peafowl as just the Peacock. It sounds nicer and more a familiar with this term than the Peafowl or the Peahen anyway. Sorry gals, you live in the male dominated society and unless something drastic happen in the next few decades, ol'Jon will not ever see the rise of the Planet of the Females. You get perks and advantages as boys and most of the time you're faster, stronger and less vulnerable as a male species. Ok sorry for deviating, ol'Jon is not going to debate the dominate sex today, maybe next time but not now.

The 'Proud' Siamese Dragon Peacock

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Nathan Boy, All about Nathan~

 Nathan boy in a mask at Jasmine's birthday party

 Jasmine and Nathan enjoying the celebration


 Bumble bee Junior?

 Nathan the Red Baron!

 A determined face for the best dogfight pilot in the world...

Another shot, another killer cute face!
Cute eh?

I'm thinking, I'm thinking!

Nathan getting kisses from chicks..
Hmmm...where is my food?

That's how real men eat fries, 2 at a time....
What'cha looking at?

Mummy, Nathan hugging mummy!
Nathan's first lolipop

Yum Yum....
Coffee Bean - Every Sunday!
Table manners, part of the deal.

Look at me, dad finishes my food..
New trendy way to wear pants, on the head!
Hehe, look cute?
No,no stop no more picture...
Soldier Boy!
The junior Rambo~
Special Forces Nathan Boy..
Talk to the gun, talk to the gun man...


Friday, August 5, 2011

When you think you need a breather...take it!

ol'Jon was mumbling about not having time for myself and my precious family recently. This rant was after long working days from mid April until recently when I was abroad for 3 weeks. The problem is that ol'Jon really enjoy the work and was very motivated and hungry to get results done.

Incidently, this period of time coincides with my 'new' boss leaving our company abruptly(during my time in US).
No information or notices were given by the management, nor any detailed explanation to the whole sales team. As usual when there is an uncertainty, there will be gossips and speculation. Before long, ol'Jon was supposed to have 'make' my new boss vacate his position. Rumors were flying that I plotted and schemed to put my now ex-boss to swords. The theory was simple, ol'Jon was supposed to be the 2nd in line and seemingly 1+1 = 2, ol'Jon would be promoted when I'm back and so on.

Of course it was very unpleasant and affected me quite a bit. It was damaging as I would've never plotted anything evil to make people away. I'm definitely not the somebody in my ex-company who scheme, plot and shadow box. I hated this type of person, thus I'm sure than hell that I would not do this. At the same time it was rather flattering to me that these rumors we up. Seems like people has sit up and took notice of my abilities and 'power'. I could only laughed out loud but a the same time feel a tinge of sadness that I'm infact taken as such an dubious person. This of course makes me more tired and in a bigger need of a rest but somehow I just can't find time.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Mean Machine for Cool Guys~

Just reach my hotel and finally have some free time to upload some of the cool pictures I took in Illinois. It is end of spring now and the air is cool and breezy with the sun shining brightly. Just love the weather here and the locals told me I've come at the correct time. If it was 2 weeks earlier it would be hot and if I stay on for another couple of weeks it will be sweating hot. Guys, no probs about the hot weather, I'm from the tropics.

Anyway, my good friend John Aman showing off with his bike which has an unbelievable 2.3liter Straight 3 Cylinder engine. It has around 140ish bhp and can tops 170km/h easy. After boasting about his machine, ol'Jon dish out the key to the black Camaro and the New York native is left impressed by the other mean machine. Driving topless in this weather and listening to good music and a beast of an engine is a joy! Love it!

2300cc 3 cylinder Engine - Bigger Capacity than your average Camry Engine!

My good friend, John Aman who owns the bike - cool bike for cool chap

Highway Bruiser - goes up to 110 miles per hour = 176km/h

Bad Looking bike

Cool eh~

ol'Jon's Camaro the black beauty

What's better than a Chevy Camaro? A Chevy Convertible Camaro

Monday, May 16, 2011

Just when you thought the sea was calm~

A month ago, ol'Jon posted about my curret job at ixmation MALAYSIA. ol'Jon was undecided to jump at the opportunity to earn 200k per annum job opportunity at a Fortune 500 company or to stay at IXMY to build on the project(team) that ol'Jon has started. The pros and cons are evenly stacked and after some cajolling by the boss, ol'Jon decided to stay with a reasonable pay rise. Things look good for a moment, I was settled, I was motivated(by the increment and appreciation) and I have the world at my feet, or so to say.

The Bee-Boy update..

A couple of weeks ago, I went out to have supper with an old friend. Zach(Sach) as I like to call him is one of my long time friend, going back till ancient time (18 odd years). We talked about all the things under the sun, our career, our ambitions, our future plans, our ex-gfs, our past cheeky behaviour, our school time and so on and so on. You dig it dont you? 2 friends that haven't met for a long time, chit chatting over a few drinks.

Every now and again, Zach would ask me how it felt to be a dad. And I would dismissed it by saying you'll know when you're one. I couldn't describe it, I can't express it out. There is no words to say/explain to him. Yet he persist and persist. Until I told him, "Go shag your girl later without rubber and 9 months later you would know!" He paused for a moment, and told me his girl wouldn't let him go without rubber! Wahaha...

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

God and His ways..

It has been quite a while since I've last updated my blogs, almost 2 months I guess. By this time, my Nathan Boy has grown a tremendous 31mm taller and approx 12.67% smarter and 22.92% more cheeky. He is also morph to 128% cuter as well as being more handsome and macho. It is a given traits that he is handsome and macho seemingly he carries ol'Jon's genes. Haha....

Life has been a hectic roller-coaster for ol'Jon lately. Late nights are a norm with some nights stretching to early morning in the office. And the next day it begins all over again with meetings and phone conference during the day and paper works and reports in the late evening. Saturdays are sometime sacrificed to entertain clients from Germany, UK and China. Even futsal was trimmed in preference of work and in the name of professionalism.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Nathan : Terrible Two and counting!

It's the time again to share some updates on my lovely cute son Nathan. Here are a series of photos of him in his antics and charming my Silly Bean and myself. :-) It is always a pleasure to spend time with Nathan and Silly Bean...just loving it! Here...Enjoy!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Who are you, exactly?

A few days back, I read in an article about the performance of Liverpool Football Club thus far for the 2010/2011 season. Being a die hard Liverpool fans, it was very hard to digest but in a sense agreeable to every details said and commented about my Liverpool. Due to dismay performance for the 2009/2010 season we finished 7th in the league and missed out on Champions League spot. The bad trend continued to the new 2010/2011 season where a clueless manager was appointed to a club with two greedy good for nothing but broke as hell Yankee owner; the dreaded Tom Hicks and the awful George Gillette.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Belated Happy 2011 post!

Wow, with a blink of an eye 2010 is consigned to the history bin and we welcome the new year of 2011. How did I celebrate the coming of 2011? Sick as a dog and staying on bed almost the whole day. ol'Jon has been sick for 3 weeks leading to the new year. Constant high fever will be followed by fits of cold shivers, ol'Jon faced one of the lengthiest sick period I've experienced so far. The never say die attitude made sure ol'Jon work during this sick period and pretend the sickness wasn't there. I've done this before, using the mind to cheat the body during my younger days. Bottom line was that I was sick as a dog and still work long hard hours to finalize a couple of projects on hand.

Things was getting out of hand and before long, my sickness worsened and after constant barraging from my Silly Bean, Soon Aik, parents and so on, I decided to see a Chinese Traditional Doctor instead, recommended by my good friend Soon Aik. It turns out I've got a very serious sickness, 'chut tan' was the name and it can be fatal if not handled properly. Western doctors has given me paracetamol to control the fever and nothing else. But this Chinese Traditional Doctor gave some prescription and immediately tasked his assistant to 'kau sua' a painful traditional method to release 'excess heat' by scrubbing hard on your back until it turns reddish black. Then using two vacuum cups, the assistant move it up and down my back(one of the most painful experience I've been through) to release more heat. Lastly, using 3 fine needles he poke it somewhere near my neck(back) and vacuum cup it. This releases the toxic blood and is said to help to cleanse my blood. All in all a very painful experience but the result was immediate. I felt lively, the headaches are gone and my fever subsided even before I take them medications. So as per the advise of the Chinese Traditional Doctor, ol'Jon took 4 days off and only return to work today.