Wednesday, March 16, 2011

God and His ways..

It has been quite a while since I've last updated my blogs, almost 2 months I guess. By this time, my Nathan Boy has grown a tremendous 31mm taller and approx 12.67% smarter and 22.92% more cheeky. He is also morph to 128% cuter as well as being more handsome and macho. It is a given traits that he is handsome and macho seemingly he carries ol'Jon's genes. Haha....

Life has been a hectic roller-coaster for ol'Jon lately. Late nights are a norm with some nights stretching to early morning in the office. And the next day it begins all over again with meetings and phone conference during the day and paper works and reports in the late evening. Saturdays are sometime sacrificed to entertain clients from Germany, UK and China. Even futsal was trimmed in preference of work and in the name of professionalism.

As a whole, people around me suffers. My parents haven't seen me for a while. In fact I can bet my big but sexy arse that they're tempted to call me to check on my safety, fearing I might have been in Japan! My Nathan boy suffers a lot and my Silly Bean suffers the most. Both have seen me less and both undoubtedly miss me a lot. This is very much apparent when my Nathan boy becomes a sticky monster whenever I have the few hours to see him. Being clingy and cute, I couldn't resist the little boy. I never knew I would love a BOY so much. Haha....

However, I enjoy my new work in ixmation Malaysia very much. It is a different kind of challenge and I deal with a lot more people than when I was in Keyence. In fact, I'm so very glad I left that company and joined ixmation. I don't mind the work and of course they pay me a justifiable sum of salary for my service to the company. When I joined, the company's sales department was disjointed and lack of motivation, direction and hope. ol'Jon turned it around in 3 month and now my team is seen as being aggressive, pro-active and resourceful. The top brass noticed it and swiftly offered a confirmation letter and a pay rise as carrot. However as with any management, the carrot always comes with a stick. In this case a 3 month notice was needed if ever I were to leave ixmation. Hmmmm, shouldn't be a problem if I enjoy my work and I love my role here right? Of course the almighty God would test you, tempt you in any way possible.

You see, I've got a very tempting and good offer from an American company lately, and approx 3 hours ago the HR called and offered me a job with a 30% better pay than in ixmation. The bonus structure looks good and the company is a Fortune 500 company. It should be a no brainer to jump at the offer but seriously; ol'Jon is in a conundrum now. A dreamjob vs A dreampay. Which would ol'Jon decide?

To stay here and finishes the project ol'Jon started and taste its glory? Or to enjoy the type of pay bracket that enables ol'Jon to get his dream house and dream car?

The inner self is fighting....this one will be a toughie!


  1. just do what you want....Go go go....

  2. you know where you want to be....
    where you are happy and who you want to be around
