Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Love Hate Relationship - Updated

The world is going to welcome its 7 billionth inhabitants soon, chances are he/she (the 7th billionth person) would be born in India or China, with Indonesia having an outside chance to get the honor of hosting the Seventh Billionth Living People in the world. That is a lot of people, in fact the most ol'Jon had seen 'live' in person is approx. 80 thousand screaming Red Army watching them in action against the Malaysian National team in Bukit Jalil recently. To summarize and not c0cking on further, there is lots and lots of people out there and when there are lots of people, they will be a lot of opinions. You see, opinion is like an a$shole, everyone has one! And it is not cool to let off wind in the public, it is in fact stinky to do so.

So you might wonder why ol'Jon is blooping about opinions and people and so on this morning? Well, currently I work in an organization of 130ish people and trust me, boy do people here has lots of opinions/assholes in the day to day job! One had the opinion that the company is his birthright, some has the opinion that anything new must comes with concerns, some has the opinion that working is just doing his part, some has the opinion that his/her job is more difficult than others, some has the opinion that deadlines are imaginary boundaries, some has the opinion that changes are bad, a couple has the opinion that this company has limitless potential and one HAD an opinion that the Peacock can fly! Notices all the above uses the phrase, "has the opinion"? They still think that way...

Ok now, lets label these people up proper;
  1. The one who opinion ed the company is his birthright - The Court Jester
  2. Those with Concerns - The Concern Department
  3. Those with mindset of Job is doing what he can not needed - The Unwanted
  4. Those who opinion ed his/her job is tougher than others - The Ignorants
  5. Those that do not respect deadlines - The Nonchalant
  6. Those who oppose changes - The Veterans
  7. Those who has the opinion the company has limitless potential - The Bosses
  8. The One who thinks Peacock can FLY - ol'Jon
Well, in my previous posting ol'Jon opinion ed how I'm a Peacock and I should be allowed to fly high in the sky and show the people what the fuss is all about. Firstly, I learnt my trade from Keyence Corp. An organisation of highly trained, highly aggressive and highly motivated group of achievers who relished hard task and targets. As of any highly motivated, highly trained and highly aggressive Sales Consultant, we're paid a good wages and bonuses. That is the end of the bargain and though it might felt empty at some juncture to only chase after the moolah, it is all drummed into us; Sales is KING! and to get SALES is everything! F*ck those who thinks badly of Sales oriented people. Without Sales People, the engineers starved, the accountants freeze, the marketing men lost, the delivery guy stunt and the Capitalist World as we know it will END! So the Sales People in my previous company knows its mission and all the support staff/back end staff will support all he/she can in order to make Sales to go on even smoother, better and faster.

Though I have my reservation on how my previous company was run by the previous Boss and his right hand man, The Man Who Holds The Power; it is unquestionable that their Sales People are well oiled, highly informed, highly disciplined and a good example how a Sales Person should behave. With ixmation MALAYSIA, ol'Jon is like the Peacock that cannot fly. I just realised today ol'Jon had change a little, to be not so aggressive so that ol'Jon can blend in. This is not me, this is not what I expect from myself. I set a high standard for myself and I try my very best to achieve it. There is a dark side in me that cannot tolerate failure and cannot stand being stagnant. That is one of the reason I embark on a new journey in ixmation. I needed a platform to showcase my talent, to show people what I'm capable of doing if given the support and freedom to do so. I get very frustrated if I failed some of the projects or things does not move according to what I have foreseen. This dark side of me rarely shows itself to the public, to be frank, I think even my Silly Bean had not seen this side of me before. I would tone down and crack a smile whenever I see her just so she is not worried as I love her to bits. It is like Good vs Evil inside me that sometimes I'm worried that it'll consume me whole.

Those who gets on ol'Jon's Nerve!

The Court Jester is someone who are capable and responsible. He thinks of the company as of his which is good 50% of the time, the other 50% of the time he misused it. The Court Jester is also a workaholic and would not hesitate to offend someone if they do not adhere to him. His weaknesses? Unwillingness to listen to others opinion, too aggressive in his pursuit to 'convince' people forcefully, a liking to CC to the big boss on all things under the sun and a ridiculously thin frame. ol'Jon can really understand this type of people. He is just as aggressive as me, he is more of a workaholics like me, he is quite capable and he is responsible too. So ol'Jon cracked his head on why I don't fancy him so much and found 2 reasons; 1. He is ridiculously thin 2. He likes to 'report' &; CC too much to the boss!

The Concerns Department is a collective of people in middle management who are always concerns and afraid of things that is new to them. No matter what job ol'Jon get to secure, easy, hard, massively profitable or even a type of equipment that mimics a giant rotisserie and for a price of $60 grand wouldn't stop them having concerns. To them it is necessary to have unnecessary concerns. If these people are them Wright Brothers, then today everyone of us still crosses the Atlantic using Helium Filled Blimp and Ocean Cruisers. That perfectly sums up how these people are getting on ol'Jon's nerve all this while.

The Unwanted is a group of people who thinks that punching in at 0815 and punching out at 1800 is their only required responsibility in working. Anything extra that is needed from them, you get a blank surprise stare and a shake of the head telling you it has nothing to do with them. Though these group of people are a very much minority they are however very irritating to work with...hmmm like those fleas...

The Nonchalant is one of the most stubborn group of people in ixmation. They do not respect datelines set by people and go on their work with their own pace and their own comfort. Nothing is urgent to them and if something urgent pops up they will think it is bad planning(though it is true 95% of the time) and a non-issue to them. Argh...feel like kicking their arse!

Those that are still with my good book!

The Ignorants - hmmm, maybe a hefty pay rise would help
The Veterans - an up to date calender and i pod will proves handy to them
The Bosses - :-) how can you be angry of your bosses openly? wahaha...

All said and done, I still love my time in ixmation and will continue this Love Hate relationship for a foreseeable future. This job is certainly an upgrade from the previous job. The people I get to meet, the technology I get exposed with, the responsibility and of course the moolah is all better than previous. Therefore, I'm still in love with ixmation but at the same time hating its weaknesses as it stops ol'Jon to be the Super Star Peacock that he was born to be! Hop ixmation, Hop ixmation, Hop ixmation!


This Pic will be reserved for the Business Times front page : Miracle worker of The Year!

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