Friday, August 5, 2011

When you think you need a breather...take it!

ol'Jon was mumbling about not having time for myself and my precious family recently. This rant was after long working days from mid April until recently when I was abroad for 3 weeks. The problem is that ol'Jon really enjoy the work and was very motivated and hungry to get results done.

Incidently, this period of time coincides with my 'new' boss leaving our company abruptly(during my time in US).
No information or notices were given by the management, nor any detailed explanation to the whole sales team. As usual when there is an uncertainty, there will be gossips and speculation. Before long, ol'Jon was supposed to have 'make' my new boss vacate his position. Rumors were flying that I plotted and schemed to put my now ex-boss to swords. The theory was simple, ol'Jon was supposed to be the 2nd in line and seemingly 1+1 = 2, ol'Jon would be promoted when I'm back and so on.

Of course it was very unpleasant and affected me quite a bit. It was damaging as I would've never plotted anything evil to make people away. I'm definitely not the somebody in my ex-company who scheme, plot and shadow box. I hated this type of person, thus I'm sure than hell that I would not do this. At the same time it was rather flattering to me that these rumors we up. Seems like people has sit up and took notice of my abilities and 'power'. I could only laughed out loud but a the same time feel a tinge of sadness that I'm infact taken as such an dubious person. This of course makes me more tired and in a bigger need of a rest but somehow I just can't find time.

Then came the divine intervention of Silly Bean, God and Nathan(the cutest boy in the world) to save ol'Jon from a burnout. Silly Bean spent a fortune to secured a VIP seat for my favorite team Liverpool's match up with Malaysia XI. It was a very good game and I cheered so loudly that I lost my voice for a couple of days. It was a dream came true for me to see my favorite team here in Malaysia and singing our team song so loudly with 80,000 fellow Reds. You'll Never Walk Alone folks.....

After that short rest, I'm more tired than ever due to the travelling, the cheering and the shopping(for Nathan). Then, the good Lord decided that I'll need to have a good rest. And through His compassion, he gave me an eye problem. My right eye had a serious problem and I was losing vision so fast that by the time I was in hospital, I only have 25% vision left. It was a very major op and only 2 guys in Penang can do the operation. Waited 2 hours for the doctor and all he says was; "Well it is a major op. But dont worry it is not life threatening." and after a long pause; "Worst case is that you go blind!" Wow, I felt like slapping the doctor right there for joking about my condition. He is a bad comedian....the operation went for 2 1/2 hours and soon after I was discharged and cared for at home by Silly Bean for 2 weeks.

Now feeling better, ol'Jon was itching to go work after 3 week rest(including my vacation) and woke up 0630 in the morning to get ready. Then I felt a slight tug on my pants, my young son Nathan looking at me half-awake and in super cute mode asked me; "Daddy, where you going?" I just smiled and say, "Daddy going to work today, some important conference today!" Nathan still holding on to me; "Daddy don't go work, lie down and sleep!" And it felt so warm and natural that I actually lay down and went back to sleep! Nathan make me rest for another 3 days before I came to work today.

Seems like all my worries is over-expected. The team was doing ok in my absence. Everybody knows what to do and like a good credit to myself, they're functioning! CL was glad to see me back as he has been all alone but fear not, the Redman is back and You'll Never Walk Alone.

Morale of the story? Don't rant and rant about needing a rest but doing nothing about it. Plan and take that leave, if not rest/vacation will be enforced onto you. Dear God, I've learnt my lesson....don't take away my sight again when you want me to take a rest! YNWA...

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