Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Nathan Boy, All about Nathan~

 Nathan boy in a mask at Jasmine's birthday party

 Jasmine and Nathan enjoying the celebration


 Bumble bee Junior?

 Nathan the Red Baron!

 A determined face for the best dogfight pilot in the world...

Another shot, another killer cute face!
Cute eh?

I'm thinking, I'm thinking!

Nathan getting kisses from chicks..
Hmmm...where is my food?

That's how real men eat fries, 2 at a time....
What'cha looking at?

Mummy, Nathan hugging mummy!
Nathan's first lolipop

Yum Yum....
Coffee Bean - Every Sunday!
Table manners, part of the deal.

Look at me, dad finishes my food..
New trendy way to wear pants, on the head!
Hehe, look cute?
No,no stop no more picture...
Soldier Boy!
The junior Rambo~
Special Forces Nathan Boy..
Talk to the gun, talk to the gun man...


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