Friday, January 21, 2011

Who are you, exactly?

A few days back, I read in an article about the performance of Liverpool Football Club thus far for the 2010/2011 season. Being a die hard Liverpool fans, it was very hard to digest but in a sense agreeable to every details said and commented about my Liverpool. Due to dismay performance for the 2009/2010 season we finished 7th in the league and missed out on Champions League spot. The bad trend continued to the new 2010/2011 season where a clueless manager was appointed to a club with two greedy good for nothing but broke as hell Yankee owner; the dreaded Tom Hicks and the awful George Gillette.

The bad news however has stopped for the moment due to the euphoria of Kenny Daglish as our Manager. The Return of the King was the war cry lauded across Liverpool fans worldwide. The energy is back and the enthusiasm is back and everyone is hopeful once again that the Liverbird will soon be flying proudly across Merseyside and the whole world. As an over-used cliche, the sky is always darkest before dawn, we the real Red Army can once again dream of the glory days and glamorous future ahead. Being a kid growing up in the 90s is very tough for any given Liverpool fans. The era that is dominated by the Mancs, the era of Beckham and the unthinkable period of total domination by the Red Devils, an outfit at the edge of Manchester.

Anyway, my grumblings today is not so much on football but on the miracle of hope. We as human beings can always aim for the highest mark possible and try our very best to achieve that target. Often than not we're unable to do so and we got ourselves hurt in various ways. We have always wished for the best and most if not all the time the results is not as per expected. So what do we good humans do if faced with this kind of situations? Generally we can group people into 4 categories when faced with roadblocks in life.

The First type is the Optimist; this group of people will remain and retain the 'faith' that their prayers will be answered in one way or another. Few or none in this group will give up and they will try their very best to overcome the obstacle. They will drain their energy till exhaustion, they will waste their time till their old and dreary and they will spend their fortune in order to have a straight path to the goals. In another sense, this group of people is stubborn as hell, work hard and hope/pray for just reward if not more. If you're this type of person, then you're missing the time, opportunity and chance to enjoy a good life and yet get to the goals you sets. However you will have a stable if not exciting life. You will be routinely motivated to do things but most of the time the results is not as per your wish but you get going noting this is life and the divine God has HIS plans for all his creation. Err, when God created you, he gave you a blank sheets and its up to you to color it so wake up and see that Mr. Optimists....

The Second type of person is the Pessimists, all doom and gloom. If there is any obstacle in life, they'll give up at the slightest shed of trouble. They'll abandon their chosen route and go back to square one to try again. After a few tries, they give up on themselves and live a life without targets. Of course they will not waste as much energy as the optimists, they will also save a lot of time 'reflecting' on what if or how could it be different if done that way. But all they do is thinking and wondering, there is not a flicker of cells in their body that will make them take up the challenge to try and never give up. If you constantly give up on your set goals and sometimes feel that life has no meaning, you're 100% a pessimists. You're just wasting your time thinking and thinking and more thinking but ultimately there is not a single output in your life. You would probably stuck in the same job for years and drive a crappy car. Your colleagues hates you for your grumblings and non-existence fire for improvement. High chance your kids are embarrassed of you and your spouse might be having an affair with your neighbor. So stop grumbling and get your acts together before your dog runs away with the ice-cream man!

The 3rd type is the Realists and boy are all the Realists proud to be categorized in this group. This people is a hybrid of the Optimists(stubborn and believes most if not all things in life is arrange by God) and the Pessimists(loser attitude and believe the society has abandoned them). They are mildly stubborn in their pursuit of their individual goals and always think that they will have a piece of Lady Luck when doing something. However once the table turns and the Lady Luck stop smiling they'll turn negative fairly quick and assess their losses and cut their so call losses. They will be depressed for a while but sooner or later they'll bounce back to their old mildly stubborn and luck believer self. They're proud because they thought they have the ability to judge the situation and quickly 'adapt' or 'change' in accordance to the situation they're in. But fact is fact, if you're a Realists, there is a high chance you're a chameleon, changing color to avoid failure rather than facing them. You tai chi all your problems and pretend they don't exist because you've change sides. Wake up people, even if you change side and accept the problems, you'll need to solve them anyway. It is not good enough to accept the problem but a solution will be needed as well. For Realists, if their wife slept with another man, they will conclude the other man is better than him and perhaps his wife is not a good wife thus negating the needs to be sad or the necessity to give the other man a good beatings. Are you one of them?

Lastly, there is the Seers & Doers. These are a small group of people with far-sight vision, radical thinking, mildly stubborn, honestly God fearing and are a group of people who do not fear changes, uses lots of logic but have high EQ. They see things out of the box and if a road blocks comes up, they'll assess the situation logically, emotionally and radically. If they think that this obstacle is too steep and hard to conquer then they'll find a different route to achieve the objective. They are mildly stubborn and will try a lot of ways to reach their objective either conquering the obstacle or using a side door to bypass it. If both doesn't work they won't sit down to wait for God's interference but instead quickly set a more relevant objective or goals. It takes courage to change and Seers & Doers are not afraid to deviate from the original objective. They're flexible, aggressive, have high EQ, excellent IQ and are brave to face facts. Time is a commodity these people and there are no things worth sitting down on and regretting about things that have gone wrong. They're top marksmen, they set their target by priorities, then point and shoot. If the goals are impossible to achieve at the moment, they will move on to the next most relevant target. Once the resources or knowledge is adequate, they'll come back to the impossible target to have another go. If you're this type of person, you'll generally have a couple of good, close friends. You'll also be very confident but never afraid to take on new stuffs and learn new things. You'll also have lots of success in life and have a tendency to live longer and happier!

You might ask why the Seers & Doers will have a better life? The key of the secret is letting go of something that is not achievable at the moment. But accumulate enough experience, knowledge and skills to achieve them later in your life. This is how all humans should live, but unfortunately Seers & Doers forms approx 2% of the world population, thus it is imperative we learn from this group of people.

Where am I at the moment? I would say being Optimists but leaning fast and steep towards Seers & Doers everyday. The sky is always the darkest during dawn, hopefully my learning curve in my working life and experience in my life will make me a Seers & Doers sooner rather than latter.

Optimists, Pessimists and Realists are born into each of us. But it is up to us to shape and mold ourselves into Seers & Doers. And there is no other ways about it. Seers & Doers are self training and self preservation that we need to observes to achieve the Nirvana of life and there is where we should all aim to be.

Remember this in life, Just Shoot Don't Think....

1 comment:

  1. :D i am PRETTY SEXY LOVELY HOTTEST CUTIE FRENLY NICELY ATTRACTIVE... Joan Soon, who love GOD n blif in GOD oways.. :D
