Friday, August 26, 2011

Of Peacocks and its reputation~

Pavo Cristasus - anyone of my reader here can guess what that is? A quick googling will reveal that this is the scientific name of the Indian sub-continent Peafowl family. Peafowl is the general term to describe Peacock and Peahen. There you have it, you've learnt something new today from my blog. Hooray, pop the champagne cue the music and roll out the credits! Well, wait a minute there, this is not all ol'Jon had to mumble this morning, no ol'Jon had a more cynical or deeper things to grumble...

You see, long long time ago the Peafowl family can fly. As a matter of personal preference and non-sexist, ol'Jon shall refer the Peafowl as just the Peacock. It sounds nicer and more a familiar with this term than the Peafowl or the Peahen anyway. Sorry gals, you live in the male dominated society and unless something drastic happen in the next few decades, ol'Jon will not ever see the rise of the Planet of the Females. You get perks and advantages as boys and most of the time you're faster, stronger and less vulnerable as a male species. Ok sorry for deviating, ol'Jon is not going to debate the dominate sex today, maybe next time but not now.

The 'Proud' Siamese Dragon Peacock

Let's get back to the Peacock thingy. According to the KungFu Panda 2 franchise, The Peacocks ruled over Gong Ming City in Ancient China. However a ruthless evil Lord Shern was expelled as the last legitimate fuler of Gong Ming City. He of course being the proud Peacock that he is come back for revenge later in his life. Learning new things, consolidating his power and utilizing his knowledge and cunningness to get back what is rightfully his. In the process he killed the supposing unkillable Master Rhino that has a Kung Fu that is impregnable. Woo hoo, and he lived happily after....haha, it is not so rosy though as the mighty clumsy Panda defeated him and the rest is history...

Proud? Nah...Just trying to get the chicks!

Well, the Peacock is definitely one of the most misunderstood creature in the world. They are branded as a proud animal. Well if you have a tail full of colorful feathers, then you ought to be proud. It's like a lady with a super hot body, wouldn't that lady be proud? Then they are termed as a show-off animal, fluffing their tails and parade whenever and wherever they wanted. Again, this is a misconception that needs to be clarified. The strut their stuff for 2 reasons and 2 reasons only and it is surely not for show-off. First thing first, is to attract a mate and fend off other males. Well this is not showing off isn't it? This is a survival of the fittest, the best Peacock gets the chicks and pass on the good genes. Nature's selection of the fittest and best genes. Secondly the Peacock fluff their tails for defenses as well. Predators are easily fooled by the size and height of the Peacock tails. Add in those colorful feathers it is a good tools for self-preservation. Therefore the Peacock is not Proud nor is it Showing-Off. Purely for survival in his habitat.

Showing-off? Think again..

The last myth about the Peacock is that it can't fly. Well it is not a myth actually, it is a known fact that Peacock is not a flying animal. But the real reason why the Peacock can't fly can actually be traced back to a not so popular story that was pass down to children of the Javanese stock. Long ago, the Peacock can fly. They are magnificent flying creature with grace and precision. Elegant stroke of its wings and the flapping of its big tail ensure that the Peacock can fly the highest, soar the longest and reach speed of high velocity. Everyone loves the Peacock for its grace and beauty, everyone except the jealous Crow and the evil Jackal. Back then the Peacock is also known as the Phoenix, is known throughout Asia as the sacred animal that lives during the time of the Dragons. The jealous Crow as used as a tool for the evil Jackal to make the Phoenix flightless. And through trickery and black magic, the Crow stole and ate the magic pearl hoping that it might makes him as beautiful and graceful as the Phoenix. Alas, it was a trick and the Crow is still dark as night and with that pearl in its throat, the Crow will forever have an evil voice and no longer able to chirp like other birds. The Jackal with its plan working and the Phoenix no longer can fly, prey on the descendant of the Phoenix which is today the Peacock. Thus Peacock can no longer fly anymore.

 Crows can't chirp like birds because it stole and ate the Phoenix's Pearl

The 'schemer' who tricked the Crow to steal the Phoenix's pearl so the Jackal can hunt them!

Hmmm, you might wonder what this long winded piece got to do with me right? Well I'm the Peacock here. No matter where I go, I will always be a Peacock. Due to my flamboyance, people think I'm a very proud person. However, they discounted that a good sales person need to have flair and flamboyance. A good sales person need to have charisma and an attitude that borders being proud. Confidence needs to be high and self-believe is a given. However all this is not being proud, all this is just being me, being the ol'Jon that strive hard at work and gets things done and going. People like me will not wait for things to happen, I will make things happen and if it does not happen, I'll try again and again. I'll never be shy to share my strengths and strategies and also never ever worry about people getting belittled with my achievement and success. This is not proud, this is just a very confident, flamboyant guy with good track record of achieving what he wants.

Secondly, ol'Jon is not someone who likes to boast and show-off. Sometimes I get over-zealous to share my experience and success stories but not to the extend of show-off. I'm more inclined to share the paths, the obstacles and difficulties in getting there. I also believe that friends and family members should help each other be it from experience or others. Progression is a must and being stagnant is not a choice for me. After I claimed a mountain top, I'll dream of scaling the other higher summit. This is me, this Jon who believe the world is there for you to grab. Problem with this you might ask? Well a thin line of sharing is boasting and my reward for myselfs(usually material) is associated with showing off and non prudent spending. Well guess what? I don't give a fu*k what others feel. You might still want to stay in your mum's house when you're 28, you might still deciding to get your first proper car when you're 28, you mights still contemplating to buy your 1st house at 28 and most probably you're still working in that shithole that you complained about for years but is still there. But not me, not Jon here. I'm on my 2nd car, getting a super bike, 2nd house coming and still so much to do. This is not boasting, having different standards of wants and what to achieves is not showing off. This is why everyone is different and this why some gets so much why others laments their luck. Therefore, like the Peacock, ol'Jon is not showing off, merely being who am I. Perhaps only that idiotic Yeap Soon Aik can understand me. When I share my experience it is not to boast but hoping you would achieve the same. When I show you the path it is not to show off but to save you from the hardship I've been through that I wouldn't want you to go.

Lastly, like the Peacock itself, ol'Jon is also prevented from flying by jealous and evil people. I recently told my sales team during meeting that "I'm a Peacock, ok? I'm the goddamn Peacock! Let me fly, let the Peacock fly!" You see, I've got over-conservative people here in my workplace. My vision for the future is different from theirs. Instead of talking over it, they restrict me, they make me slow so they can adjust to my performance. To cover their weakness, they over utilized the word 'concern' all too often. But when queried further they cannot give an action plan to cover their concern. ol'Jon can't go to war with other companies with only the Sales Division of ixmation, ol'Jon needs the whole team. I can be the spear tip, the other division must be the big hammer supporting ol'Jon. Some talk with the Boss, ol'Jon gets my point across but an advise from him makes me think; "Sometimes in order to move one step forward, we need to take a few steps backwards!" I don't get it at the first moment, therefore if you don't get it rightout then you'll not alone. He told me to step back and look at the others limitation, rather that asking them to run faster, we can help them to improve, to take the shorter less ardous path. The destination is alwasy the same, the route chosen can varies. At the mean time, ol'Jon also need to polished my team and keep them tip top and sharp as hell to do war with other companies! I did asked the Boss, well what you say makes sense, but why would I do all these? Why can't the other division Head do these things. He just smiled and say, that is the different between a good division Head than a potential good he hinting something? I just don't care at the moment......all I know is that I'm a Peacock, you should let me fly!

Crows, crowing to each other for their 'sins' in making the Peacock flightless~

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