Monday, January 10, 2011

Belated Happy 2011 post!

Wow, with a blink of an eye 2010 is consigned to the history bin and we welcome the new year of 2011. How did I celebrate the coming of 2011? Sick as a dog and staying on bed almost the whole day. ol'Jon has been sick for 3 weeks leading to the new year. Constant high fever will be followed by fits of cold shivers, ol'Jon faced one of the lengthiest sick period I've experienced so far. The never say die attitude made sure ol'Jon work during this sick period and pretend the sickness wasn't there. I've done this before, using the mind to cheat the body during my younger days. Bottom line was that I was sick as a dog and still work long hard hours to finalize a couple of projects on hand.

Things was getting out of hand and before long, my sickness worsened and after constant barraging from my Silly Bean, Soon Aik, parents and so on, I decided to see a Chinese Traditional Doctor instead, recommended by my good friend Soon Aik. It turns out I've got a very serious sickness, 'chut tan' was the name and it can be fatal if not handled properly. Western doctors has given me paracetamol to control the fever and nothing else. But this Chinese Traditional Doctor gave some prescription and immediately tasked his assistant to 'kau sua' a painful traditional method to release 'excess heat' by scrubbing hard on your back until it turns reddish black. Then using two vacuum cups, the assistant move it up and down my back(one of the most painful experience I've been through) to release more heat. Lastly, using 3 fine needles he poke it somewhere near my neck(back) and vacuum cup it. This releases the toxic blood and is said to help to cleanse my blood. All in all a very painful experience but the result was immediate. I felt lively, the headaches are gone and my fever subsided even before I take them medications. So as per the advise of the Chinese Traditional Doctor, ol'Jon took 4 days off and only return to work today.

I was sitting here in my cubicle on why ol'Jon had refused to get long MCs when provided by the western doctors(2 weeks MC still in my wallet) and when suddenly the Chinese Traditional Doctor asked me to rest I took 4 days off? Finally I come to my senses, I love my new job so much so that I refuse long MCs even when offered. When if this had happened during Keyence time, there is no need to guess that I would've taken it. Then why the 4 days off? I'm afraid when I was told it was a critical illness, the old man in me got scared and decided life is more important. Sign of old age or prosperity? I would like to believe old age....

Anyway, I'm back now and my 2011 starts now!
Hope it will be another fruitful year for myself.


  1. take care bro! :)
    god bless oways~ ;)
    miss ya~

  2. yup, need to take care of one's health before we can accumulate enough wealth!
