Monday, August 16, 2010

Results are out and I've failed myself miserably!

I'm always a very proud person, proud in many sense. One of the fact that I'm particularly proud of is the functionality and health of my body. You see, I use to be a bit overweight and though this is a fact, I'm still basically fitter, faster and stronger than most guys in 'Ideal' weight class. I would run like a locomotive during futsal or football games and the thinner, slimmer guys usually cannot cope with my power and stamina and ridiculously; speed!

I must stressed that there are some guys in my team who are in the ideal weight class and are a tad fitter and a tad faster than I am but they always seem to loose out on the power section. Being faster, fitter and more powerful than most ideal weight class guys makes me a very proud person. I can always out sprint or outlast an opponent or in some case out muscled them. And my yearly medical report back this up.

I should be in the 75kgs category and somehow I always hover around 80kgs plus minus 1kg. My cholesterol level is usually 1.0 or 0.8 lower than normal and my saturated fat is in and around the ideal mark. My heart is functioning well and beating powerfully. No sign of any deterioration from my hefty weight. The grouse my doctor can find with me was that I was overweight. And I always counter that with I'm faster, fitter and stronger than most guys in the ideal weight category and I play futsal at least 3 times a week and I do 50 push-ups a day and occasionally when the mood is right a few sit-ups(I hate sit-ups).

You see, God is a very generous fella. When he see that someone is proud, He offers a 'chance' to ol'Jon to be humble. And trust me when He wants you to be humble, you better be humble or else, facts and jokes will humble you!

My latest report is that I'm slightly over the cholesterol level, 0.3 to be exact. My saturated fat has almost doubled and my weight is ballooning out of control. And when I look at them figures, I'm a tad sad as I've always wanted to be a FIT daddy to Nathan and now I'm substituting FIT with FAT. How can this happen to a proud guy like me??

I take a whole day to reflect on myself. In the past 1 year, I only played futsal/football once a week. Never do any push-ups anymore. Eat like there is no tomorrow and stock on junk food faster than they can produce it. Work and family responsibility dictates that I cannot spend so much time on sports but when I cut down the sport, I should've cut down the eating which I didn't. Chocolate became my best friend and the couch and TV become my sport! I'm devastated!

Last week, I make a pledge. A challenge to myself to be Fit again and to control my weight. The doctor gave me a 3 month challenge! She gave me a list of target to hit and I'll do all I can to achieve it and wipe that smug smile out of her face. Let us revisit this post in 3 months time...I'm sure I can cut down the numbers and I'm sure I'll enjoy being fit and powerful again!

Here is hoping...and dear God, I promise not to be a proud prick again...and learn to respect slower, unfit and equally under power ppl...I promise...just give me the courage and strength to fight obesity! Damn....

1 comment:

  1. wahahahahahahahah XD
    laugh melon me!! :D
    wahahhahahahahahah~ oklaaa~ dun say ur pretty sis = me never encourage u~ wahahah xD
    jiayou laa!!! :D
    hahahaha~ u noe u can!!! ;)
