Thursday, September 2, 2010

Brood Parasitism ~ In another perspective!

Two days back I was watching Animal Planets(number 1 channel in the house now due to King Nathan's request) together with Natster on the comfort of my couch. Silly Bean was busy cleaning the house, thus the important job of keeping Natster company fell to ol'Jon. I could not remember the show's title but it's about some Extreme Animals.

One particular animal that caught my attention was the Cuckoo bird. These are a sly and cunning bird which practises "Brood Parasitism". Ok now, if you guys do not know what brood parasitism; allow me to explain further. These birds lay their egg on other bird's nest. And their egg are timed to hatch before the original bird's eggs. Once hatched, the chick will knock the original eggs off the nest or if permitted kill the hatchlings.
This is to ensure that the parasite chick gets all the food. Cuckoos are famous for doing this and they thrive by denying others a chance to flourish. They are the badass of the birds world and they're selfish, cunning and vicious in their pursue for survival. They are essentially the bad guy!

Spot the Difference ~ Apparently 'Foster Birds' cannot differentiate their eggs

However, they're not 100% to be blame, 95% at most....The other 5% of blame is on the "foster bird" parents. I know the joke about having a bird's brain(which means you're stupid) but can't the parents identify their own chicks? I mean come on, the cuckoo's chick and their chicks are totally different. Does it mean that the birds will take care of whatever eggs that is found in their nest? How bout chicken eggs then? Being stupid even in the animal kingdom means taking a lot of unwanted route and wasting a lot of time. It is much more apparent in the human world though....

Ok, the egg might be confusing to detect but look at this...pure dumb? The cliche bird brain was coined since!

Anyway, this show is very interesting to me on the context and it makes me think and think. It also has a ticklish effect on Natster seeing so many 'bird bird' flying around, oblivious to the hidden message of the programmes.

You see, poor ol'Jon was being labelled as being immature by 'the one who holds a high position' recently. His justification was that I could not add some 'diplomacy' in my approach of handling some issues and that I cannot agree with his ways and was persistent in my pursuit of my principles. While ol'Jon has been labelled as a lot of things in the past, good and bad included eg: hot-headed, impulsive, fighter, natural leader, like to criticize, fat, fit, player, smart, mature(yes....lots of folks say I'm mature mentally and physically) playful, humorous and so on and so on but ol'Jon has never been addressed as being immature. It is a new thing for me, sort of the discovery of a new definition for a words by Thesaurus(those who doesn't know what is this pls google it!" I mean come on, refusing to be a hypocrite and a liar is not being immature. Standing on my principles and things I believe in is not immature. Refusing to be a two-headed snake like 'the one who holds a high position' is not immature. And not being a mere Yes Man is not being immature.

So I took the jibe cum advice that I'm immature with a pinch of salt and do some reflections. Yes I agree lying sometimes is a must and even though the Good Book say it is wrong, humans lie, and sales people lie even more(but lawyers, politicians, marketing folks lie even more) But if a lie is to cover one's ass and no harm will be feted out to others then I can accept. If a lie is used to hurt or attack another person I cannot accept and will never accept!

Of being a hypocrite like 'the one who holds a high position', that I cannot do in a million years. Though I'm not particularly religious, I've always hate hypocrites. I mean there is 5 things ol'Jon can't stand.
  1. A dirty car
  2. A Man Utd fans dissing my beloved Liverpool
  3. A Hypocrite
  4. An Idiot pretending to be Smart
  5. A lady who is too lazy to dress up
And to think that 'the man who hold a high position' goes to Church every Sunday and do generous donations, it make the hypocrisy even worse. I hope God knows who the 'real shame shaddy' he is and sent him a reminder soon!

I'm from the sort of strict and cane your ass if you're naughty family. So even though I'm the only son(suppose to enjoy a lot of luxury in a Chinese household), I get my fair share of canings and lectures when I'm younger. Of course being a cheeky fella didn't help the cause. So good principles are instilled in me when I'm young and I'm very proud of it. My father once told me that if you think you're doing the right thing and someone thinks you're doing the wrong thing, it is your job to find out the truth and change oneself or the other person. But of course 'the one who holds a high position' is already in a path that is so lost that no one can help him. Apparently a wife and a kid will make a man more principled and disciplined, not in the case of 'the one who holds a high position'

Lastly it takes natural talent and lots of skills to be a two headed snake. I'm afraid I lack those talent, skills and instinct to make a good 2 headed snake. I'll leave it to the pro like 'the one who holds a high position' to be the extraordinary 2 headed snake he is. He is the undisputed champion of 2 headed snake. Like a saying that there cannot be 2 tigers in the same hill, I think 1 champion pro 2 headed snake is sufficient now!

In summary, if I'm so stupid like the 'foster birds' in the show, I'll end up carrying a lot of unwanted baggage and unnecessary waste of time and energy to fulfil one nasty Cuckoo's egg! Hate to disappoint but ol'Jon is not the ordinary Joe and God bless me with a functional brain though not fully utilised! Until then...readers out there, don't be a 'foster parent' and a victim of Brood Parasitism! God bless~

*Disclaimer - Posting is for personal consumption and not linking to anyone( in case there is some nosy, pesky and busybody reader who forwards the posting or complain to 'the one with the Stick' You know who you are(hint hint, it is from the land of US) and may you have a miserable day today if you read this. The rest of readers from US, rest assure I love fact I love the world and I love life!


  1. there is 5 things ol'Jon can't stand.

    1)A dirty car = my car never been clean b4 :P
    2)A Man Utd fans dissing my beloved Liverpool = i dunlike football :P i love Durian :D
    3)A Hypocrite = im not!!! :D
    4)An Idiot pretending to be Smart = r u talking abt me?!!?!? O.o
    5)A lady who is too lazy to dress up = me again?!? O.o

  2. wow...hmmm, must be special

  3. 1)A dirty car = anyone who owns a car
    2)A Man Utd fans dissing my beloved Liverpool = good stick to durians
    3)A Hypocrite = good to know too
    4)An Idiot pretending to be Smart = You can't even pretend to be smart
    5)A lady who is too lazy to dress up = Dont know ask Shua Shua
