Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Chronicles of JSYJ - The Eternal Admirer of Joshua...

Recently one of my good friend Ms. Joan S decided to jump ship to Singapore citing the prospect of drinking recycled sewer water was a temptation too high to ignore. To commemorate our friendship, I decided to post up a few of her pictures send by an insider to me not long ago. May you rest in peace in Singapore! Haha....take care and go trample them Singaporeans with your HUGEieeee feet! Seems like Project Joshua will be on hold adi? May you have lots of fun in Singapore and teach them a thing or two about humor...God bless!

The Hungry Lady ready for a FEAST!!!

After a full meal....looks like not only her leg is huge, the tummy is HUGEEEE as well!

Trying very VERY Hard to look least the fingers are thin....

What's up with all the V-sign??

Another V-sign??

This Picture will use during Joan's Funeral!

* All pics are provided by LEE WEI LING, on behalf of my blog readers, I would like to thank her for sharing Joan's funny pics. Thanks alot.


  1. si lang JON!!! wa kua lu si kiam pa?!?!
    gah gah say my bad things when im not ard!!!?!?
    my shua shua added me!!! :D
    very soon~ i will change name =marry soon! wahahahahahah xD
    DO PREPARE my ang pao!!!!

  2. Sincerely hope you will "get" your shua shua soon...and then leave my son alone!
    Take care there ya....
