Monday, May 4, 2009

Take Two..

How do you measure a man’s wealth? Is it by the means of his cash? Or by the means of his love? As we cannot generalize the standard of measuring one’s wealth, we can only compare it relatively. Tony Stark(Iron Man) was able to bed any girls, had tonnes of money, drive cool cars and have cool toys too! So he is wealthy in monetary and shagging department, but he was a lonely man, no friends no one to love or to be loved. So he is not doing so well in that sense!
For ol’Jon, balance is the word. True enough, I would love to have tonnes of money(damn…when will Bill Gates donate some dough to me?), have lots of good close friends(hi, bye or drinking friends don’t count!), have a girl to like, family support(thanks dad and mum) and basically own a Beemer M3 Coupe for workday drive, a Nissan GT-R for weekend drive and if it is not too much a Merc ML63 AMG for the day out with my family and my stupid Rusty(my silly retriever)! Of course it is wishful thinking but, hey a man can dream can he?

Well I may not have tonnes of cash yer(if ever), and I drive a Nissan; not GT-R but a humble Sentra for work and a Fiat Coupe is my joy happy car; not exactly super car garage but at mid 20s, I’m quite happy with my own achievement. I have my Silly Bean too, loving parents and a stupid but loyal dog, so the love and family bases is quite covered too. Well a baby of my own would be the fullhouse, I guess…

So that leaves me with the age old question, how bout my good friends? 1 had 4 last time, my wingman NKJ, my buddy HWY, my best friend YSA and a special childhood friend TBB. Time can strengthen or erode ones friendship. Certainly my bond with YSA has been stronger though we hardly meet as he is in Mallaca; chasing all the local girls in Jonker Street. But he is one man who would help however best he can and he is a super listener although a lousy person if you need some advice. He is a big confuse lad sometimes, don’t know how to give someone advice as he fears he makes wrong decisions. Next in line is the queen TBB, she ‘was’ quite close with me last time, but again time and fate makes us apart. Firstly she went KL to hunt for guys, oops; I meant to say jobs and a couple of years later she is now is Singapore slogging it out with kiasu ppl. Distance eroded our friendship, we’re not so close anymore. However I’m happy we can just sit down and talk everytime we meet eventhough we haven’t met for years. It is that special bond that allows us to communicate, therefore she is still a close friend….

Now lets look at the bad news, NKJ. Generally can be termed a confuse and impulsive, he is nonetheless very persistent and in a way quirkyly charming. I can’t help to think that everytime he has a gf, he would abandon his friends. It is a fair statement, ask Roc and others. Not that I have a problem with that as I’m a firm believer that you should treat your gf with the best attention and spend at least 40% of your time with her. What I don’t agree is religon conversion in the sake of the pussy. What kind of a man who is so weak in his faith? Infidels to Christians to Infidels to Christians….come on man…I would bet 20 quid with anyone if he does break off with this girl, the christianity would be un-baptise in him, if ever that is this word. Anyway, since I’ve moved out our neighborhood our friendship has suffered. And ever since he is attached it became non-existant. He is lazy to drive 3 kilometers to have tea with me while it is ok to drive 390++ kms to shag a pussy and another 390++ kms to come back. Talk about the importance of friend….but I don’t blame him either coz I’ve known him all my life. And he is great great friend when he choose to be. I know, I know coz he was once a super friend of mine….however like a lost sheep I believe one day he’ll find his way back…

I save the best(or saddest) for last. Distance? We’ve moved into the same apartment block, he is at 9th I’m at 18th. We used to be very very close, same class from standard 1 to form 5, same college same class, same job until 4 years ago. After we moved into the same apartment blocks, our friendship suffers. We dont have lunch anymore, we dont go out anymore and we hardly talk too. Ol’Jon is at lost why this happens, Jon know that things dont just happened. If anytthing I might have contributed to this situation too.

Perhaps, this extra long post is a reminder for myself. Perhaps it is a reminder to ol’Jon that his only best friend might one day become a normal friend if he is not careful. ol’Jon is doing a lot of soul searching this few weeks. ol’Jon have faith one day he will have many many best friends again through change of character or self improvement. Or perhaps he should be contend to have one…..ol’Jon is glad that a crazy fella told him that she can be my good friend…appreciate it…really!

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