Monday, May 4, 2009

Life as A whole

Do you still remember when you were younger and couldn’t wait to grow up? Each day you dreamt of being older, some taller, some richer most of the boys dreamt of dating jennifer aniston…but when the time comes, you sort of misses the time when you’re young and full of idealistic visions. In this world, time passes quickly, before you knew it you’ve graduated, before you knew it you’ve got your first job, before you knew it you bought your first car and before long you bought a house then another car. Pretty soon you’ll start your own family, have children, grow old and before you knew it you’re dead!

My point is, if you’re too careful in your life, you certainly would miss the adventure behind it. Be brave, try new stuffs, date the bloke you fancy, go places, drive fast when you want to, get that car, shag that girl and buy that house. You know you want it. Before you die that is.
I’m a fast driver, fast but not reckless though it is a very thin line seperating the two. I drink when I feel like, I eat meat; lots of them coz I love ‘em. I’ve dated a quite a few(ok, quite a lot), I’ve done things most ppl think is stupid or crazy but I’ve done ‘em anyway coz I felt like doing it. I like to think I live a fulfilling life as I’ve loved hard, got hurt hard too, work hard, got paid “hard”, play hard and drive fast! I’m just so thankful to God that He decides that I’m worthy of a place in this world so I’m living it to the fullest. I don’t treat my body as a temple but it ain’t an amusement park either. So far life is good(despite the bad recession and the fact liz hurley is getting older…argh!), but I know there is still so much in life that I want, things I want to do and dreams I need to fulfil before my time comes. This is in total contrast of a friend of mine who worries about too many things in life. When he love, he uses his head to calculate the risk, when he drive he follows the 110km/h speed limit to the hilt even cursing those who tries to overtake him on the right lane(elo, move your slowass car), he treats his body as a temple, no alcohol and will feel guilty if he indulges in too much meat or chocolate! Oh come on, he is not living a life I protested! He is just surviving…he has no adventure, date the same girl since highschool, never been drunk and wasted and can be conclusively categorized as BORING! Over time he might live longer than me but will his life be meaningful? I’m afraid not coz he is not living, merely surviving.

Not long ago, I’ve got news from my Dad(who dates a lot when he was young!) that one chap from my neighbourhood fell to his death while working on a renovation project. He was a young chap, 27 I think. Good kid, hard working and a fillial son. He has a good business, a good wife and gorgeous 2 kids. Why God chose to bring him Home to Him; I’ll never know but one minute he was the next big thing in our neighbourhood, the next minute he was gone! The news saddened me, I don’t personally know him very well. A few playgrounds altercations when we were young, a few conversation now and then when we get to meet up, nothing deep but the incident upsets me nonetheless. He was a good kid just starting his own family, I liked to think he deserved more.

This brought me to think, what if we’re not here tomorrow? Can we face ourselves and tell ourselves we’ve lived a good life? Have we live our lives to the fullest? Have we ever had fun doing things we had always wanted to do?

Life is a funny thing, it really are. No matter how you try to grasp it, you’ll end up confused! So my plan now until my ‘time’ comes is to live my life to the fullest. Love hard, work hard, play hard and drive fast! Coz life is an adventure, you don’t want to reach the destination feeling empty. So now go get a life you readers, get that car, shag that girl and buy that house, you know you want it

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