Thursday, June 21, 2012

Life as it is~

It was once said that you can judge what type of man a person is during his funeral. If there is a lot of weeping and grieving people at his funeral, he must have been a very good man in his lifetime. If that someone had done great deeds to mankind, have been contributing to the people around him, then God will not want his departure from this world to be a lonely, cold and sparse event.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Why always me?

Lately ol'Jon has been through highs and lows, as a student of the 'calm seas never make good sailors' mantra, ol'Jon tried to manouvere himself clear from the high choppy waves and firmly in charge of his own ship. Sink or Swim, ol'Jon always believe everybody is responsible for their own fate and destiny.

In a space of 2 weeks ol'Jon received a feedback from the Boss that my management skills is not up to par with the top management expectation. ol'Jon is all good in operation level and has an immaculate sales skills and a sense of urgency in my work. Top it up with a good dose of aggresiveness and a penchant for hard work and good effort, it is a very good achievement. BUT....ol'Jon could do a little better in peer to peer relationship, ol'Jon could do a little better in 'accomodating' other colleagues and ol'Jon needed to be much better in mid-term and long-term planning. All the comments were for my 2011 review with my Boss. Being the hot headed @rse ol'Jon are, of course I'm having none of it.

Why Always Me??

Point by point we rebutted and the general consesus is that Why Me? For example, in the peer to peer relationship, why can't the other managers be in the same wavelength, to buck up and be aggresive as I am? Why Me? Why not point out to them that they have the deficiencies and ol'Jon does not need to find a way to coax them to be better for the greater good of the company.

Argh, I'm having none of it....Why Always Me??

Also, why should ol'Jon be more 'accomodating' to under performing people in the company? Instead of complaining, why can't they buck up or move out? ol'Jon has this 'take no prisoner' style of work. I argue with facts and truth, so why can't they accept their fault gracefully? Why Me? Why should the great flamboyant ol'Jon be accomodating and choose my words when addressing their deficiencies?

Again, on the mid-term planning and long-term planning, ol'Jon has all the plans in place. So why me? Ok, I have them in plan but not written or executed to a level acceptable, but Why Me? This is not my job anyway, this is the job of my boss(position still vacant). Why ol'Jon have to do the extra mile and risk the wrath of gossips that ol'Jon is aiming for the position? Why me again, ol'Jon asked?

If you do not bend down you couldn't even notice these nice little flowers - same with Life..

By this point, the negativity outweights the positivity. And a lot of soul searching was done, a SWOT analysis was hastily set up and completed, a 360 feedback for peers, boss and sub-ordinates is in the cards. You see after 1 week of hard thinking and a self reflection, ol'Jon realise something that is shouting out loud to ol'Jon, which needed my attention but ol'Jon was too 'high' to see it. Too 'high' immersing in the praises that was bandied out by the management, too much with the 'fixation' that ol'Jon is much superior to others thus no needing any improvement. Drowning in my own ego and failed to see that to make the next step up, ol'Jon have to have a mindset change.

This God's creation helped a lot during the 'thinking' period...

The minor change came after some self reflection, the major change came after a elongated talk with the CEO, who tell me; "Jon, if the changes have to come from other people it only means that they have a higher potential than you. Do you think you can achieve much more?" It struck me like a sledge hammer. When I refuse to see the need to improve, any advice to improve turns into a WHY ME? arguement with my innerself. When I realise this points, I vow to have a complete mindset change. I'm no longer happy with my current level, I want to move to another level..

After the 8th glass, it all coming good for me....Why Always more!

And to reach the other level, I must ditch Why Always Me? mindset and embrace the What More Can You Achieve? mindset. If I have the Why Always Me mindset, then stagnatation is the only answer to my professional career. I do not want to be in the same position 3 years from now. With this What More Can I Achieve mentality I'll go higher and fulfil the destiny that my intelligence, talent, aggresiveness and hungriness in me belong to.

ol'Jon vow not to B1tch about Why Always Me anymore....Now it is What More Can I Achieve?

So if you find yourself asking Why Always Me? Do a self-reflection and get to know yourself. It is surprising that 95% of people does not know themselves well. Scary numbers but it is true. Once you know yourself, you can set an expectation level. If this is your level, then carry on Why Always Me? or if you're like me and think that you can achieve more, ditch this Why Always Me mindset and embrace the What More Can You Achieve mindset. After all, what is mankind if not for continuos improvement.

Let us see the Jon Ooi 3 years from now! I know it is going to be fun....Why Always Me...never again.

Impossible is Nothing~ Wish me Luck!

Friday, May 4, 2012

viva la Paris~


Was going through my Sony camcoder to get some machine video uploaded for my Application Engineers. Found these bunch of photos that ol'Jon took that is not part of the official Business Trip activity. So here you go, with ol'Jon driving in the French country side and conquering the Eiffel Tower and roaming the streets of Paris with his Malaysian Boleh attitude. Enjoy~

My ride in France, the Marvelous Citroen DS4

The French country side, very nice and beautiful~

My hotel room in St. Die France, very nice panel view to see the heaven!

ol'Jon with his new found love, the DS4

The wall is full of this parasitic plant which looks nice, pity my cameraman skills is limited

The shopping 'district' of St. Die, a street with 2 rows of shophouses

Nice place with very clean streets and good air quality

The heaven opens up, a humbling view for ol'Jon

The cute Citroen DS3 - King Nathan would approve

Water fountain in St. Die or should it be called a water fall?

Another nice view~

A good day for a walkaround

Superb winding road for road warrior like me

Speed limit is 130kmh and generally you can drive faster as the drivers are good, but beware of deer! I come

One of the Wonder of the World

It is raining, It is windy, It is 8 degree....welcome to Paris!

It's is hard to pose when all your muscle is shivering...yes they are all shivering because of the cold.

My rain-soak camcoder...

Nothing like a French cafe and a hot Espresso to warm up the system

The view from the Tower

Much better now despite the strong wind

Just look at that backdrop...magnificient!

Another awe-inspriring view

This the city of Romance

A classic Aston Martin roaming the streets of Paris


ol'Jon posing at the middle of the street

Arc de Triomphe as backdrop

des Champs Elysees

Look at my hair blower

Love padlocks at Pont de l'Archeveche

Next year this time, there will be one more love padlocks from ol'Jon and Silly Bean..

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Slim is the real deal!

It has been such a hectic 2 months for ol'Jon that whatever little time dedicated to exercise was thrown out of the window. My weekly field football was not fulfiled, my weekly futsal was put on hold. During this time I've spend 2 weeks in India, 1 week in Thailand and 1 week in France that's why I've put on a few extra unwanted pounds here and there...ok 4 pounds to be exact. I'm sure if I get to play futsal this weekend, I'll not be as agile as I would like to be.

Health is the most important thing to a man and 2nd most important thing to a woman. Apparently for women, shopping is the top priority. Anyway one should not discard exercising and health because of one's lifestyle, work schedule and other priorities. So ol'Jon would make a vow to shed them ugly extra pounds with an old school method of healthy eating and 2 hours of exercise(rigorous) every week. I would like to live longer, able to see King Nathan first girlfriend, to hold Silly Bean's wrinkled hand when she is old and to carry and kiss my grandchildren. This is a vow and a fight I will commit to. Though God might have other plans for me but I believe by living to the fullest and healthy, when the life Buzzer goes off, I'll know that I've done my best to delay it.

I'm not afraid of dying, but I'm particular about how I die. Do not want painful diseases and long battles with illness. Call me fickle but reality is there is only two certainties in Life. Death is one, so how you handle it depends on you. You can be obese and suffered diabetes, heart attack, stroke and other host of other illness or go meet the Lord in the best possible shape. It really is up to you...really!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Most Common Habit of Human Race - Contradicting Thoughts!

Sometimes ol'Jon wonder what is the purpose of life. When you're small, you can't wait to get older. And when you're older you wished you will not age. Contradicting is what humans do best, it is what they do when they have free time and for some, contradictions are a form of skill sets. Life itself is contradicting to say the least. When you're younger you have a lot of time but not money, thus you work hard in your adult life to have a lot of money. But when you're working hard chasing the money, you do not have time to really use it. And when you're old, after 3 decade plus of striving, finally you'll have enough money but you do not have the energy to do the things you want to do anymore! Contradicting? You bet it is...

Take the case of bitter coffee. Ok, why do ol'Jon like bitter coffee? In fact I'm having a long black at the moment, it is bitterly fragrant and aromatically soothing for me. Well, if you've read some of my post, you would know that ol'Jon like bitter coffee because it reminds me of the sweetness in life. What is bitter at your tongue will make you feel sweet in your throat. Don't believe me? Go get a strong black coffee and try to taste the sweetness that follows. Bitter coffee also remind me that life as a whole is a difficult and arduous journey that will test your resolves and personality to the tilt. But if you do not let the problems affect you, you will taste the sweetness of the journey and the rich reward of walking this adventure called LIFE. So, to get to the sweet stuff, ol'Jon is taking the bitter stuff; contradicting? You bet it is....

Today when driving to work, I kept on playing the song, "When I'm Gone" by Eminem. It is an old song by that white chap that can rap fantastically well. He also portrayed himself as being straight, problematic, talented, enigmatic and 'damage goods' profile. He contradicts himself a lot of time in his life. He loves his work but his work is making him adrift from his family. He loves his ex-wife but at the same time hate her so deep that he would've killed her if given the chance. He loves his fans and fame but at the same time he felt lonely when the curtain falls and the last cheering fan goes home. He is rich and surrounded by 'friends' but he would never work out what their intentions were. He is also a 'damaged goods' but is fiercely loyal. He is outrageously talented but tragically unstable. He is Contradictions with a capital C!
Here, click the youtube link here and listen to his song while continue reading my ramblings.....which ol'Jon think is an honest take on his life, even though he is too proud to admit it.

So what are your contradiction? ol'Jon is an expert in the automated machinery field. Because of people like me, prices of goods are lower, produced faster and quality control is better. But at the same time people like me will make others jobless, replace by a never complaining, twenty four seven machine that churns out goods. Sometimes I feel bad when I thought of the potential job loss due to my skill sets but when the latest product hit the market and every tom dick & harry could afford one, ol'Jon take comfort in knowing that ol'Jon had make technology affordable to the mass market yet feel a tinge of sadness that someone, somewhere out there had just lost his/her job. Contradicting? You bet it is.....

Another take on contradiction would be those people who are single & lonely out there. You hear them say they're lonely sometimes, you could see it in their eyes that they hope to find someone who could give warmth to them in the cold dark night. You could almost hear their heart crying out loud for companion yet to contradict themselves, they tell themselves that it is ok to be lonely. It is ok to be always remain single and it is ok to feel depressed all the time. It is ok to get disappointment in life. Well that is Contradiction all right! In life, you need to fight for things. In life you need to sacrifice a little to gain what you need. In life nothing comes free. So if you're single and felt lonely, stop contradicting yourself and get your @rse up and start to look for your happiness. Happiness does not just flew to your doorstep. Happiness is for those who look for it and chase for it. After that , you can choose to keep the happiness like how your parents always do, or like any modern men/women let it slip by you. It is your call....ol'Jon is good at looking for happiness and chasing for happiness....the art of keeping the happiness is still eluding me...which is a shame...coz if you let it slip out of your hands...chances are you'll never get it back. And no matter how many bouts of Karaoke rendition of 'The One That Got Away' by Katy Perry; your happiness will never be back.....this is when you become a 'Damaged Goods' which I shall touch on next time...

Stop Contradicting, go chase your happiness. Love knows no boundaries, race, religions, gender and social hierarchy!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The sky is always darkest before Dawn - You'll Never Walk Alone(Wembley 2012 Carling Cup Final)

As I was sipping my bitter coffee today in office, I cannot help but to think of all the 'problems' that ol'Jon is facing. Work related - tonnes of it, Family related - relative less but somehow significant, Personal related - too much to mention, Health related - minor issues here and there, Appearance related - something bad brewing.

Well someone once told me that everyone has problems. The only ones that doesn't have problems are dead anyway. The theory is that, it is ok to have problems. In fact it is very normal to have problems. It is only bad when the problem affects you personally, and by that ol'Jon meant that you let it affect you personally and went on to a self-destruct mode. It is not that the happiest person in the world has no problems. The only difference with people who are happy and depressed is how they dealt with their problems. Sounds easy enough? It is actually.

Today it is not about me though, today is about the Mighty Reds, the Redmen from Merseyside. ol'Jon had always supported Liverpool. When ol'Jon is growing up, the Mighty Reds went from the Invincible to the Defeatables....if ever this terms exist! Man Utd was on the rise and every 10 kids who played football, 7 would be Man Utd fans. There will be a couple of Liverpool supporters and probably one who support Spurs. Anyway, my choice of love, my choice of allegiance gave me a lot of problems. From the You'll Never Win Anything to the current Debacle that Liverpudians are Racist....we stand strong.

And on February 26th 2012, the Mighty Reds rewarded their supporters with the Carling Cup Trophy. Never mind this is our 1st trophy for the past 6 years. Never mind this is the least desirable domestic trophy(ask that to Chelsea and Man City fans). Never mind if Liverpool won it the hard way. Never mind that 2 seasons ago, Liverpool were imploding and no where near any trophy. Never all those....the important thing is that, Liverpool does not let its problem affect it. Liverpool will not let problems or negativity to stand in its rich history. For one night, it doesn't matter what problems us Liverpudians had. We tasted the 8th Heaven....yup we won it the 8th time! YNWA

The serenity before the Clash of the Mighty Reds and Cardiff City

The prize at Stake...Carling Cup 2012

Liverpool Owner John Henry & Linda Pizzuti taking photo with fans~

Warrant Officer Class One Brian Keogan of the Royal Electrical & Mechanical Enginners

Let's get Rumbling boys~

Terminator Skterl Scores - More goals than Fernando b!tch Torres now in 2012

Liverpool win the Penalty Shoot-out after Anthony Gerrard misses his spot kicks

Time for pile on...lets do it! woo hoo~

Anthony Gerrard walking off dejected. YNWA bro, you're a scouser...better luck next time.

And the 2012 Carling Cup Champions are Liverpool~

Proud men taking pictures...Tom Werner, King Kenny, John Henry

Through and through Red - Mr. Gerrard

Dirk 'Hero' Kuyt holding aloft the Carling Cup Trophy! Well done lad...

Anfield South is Wembley! YNWA