Thursday, March 8, 2012

Most Common Habit of Human Race - Contradicting Thoughts!

Sometimes ol'Jon wonder what is the purpose of life. When you're small, you can't wait to get older. And when you're older you wished you will not age. Contradicting is what humans do best, it is what they do when they have free time and for some, contradictions are a form of skill sets. Life itself is contradicting to say the least. When you're younger you have a lot of time but not money, thus you work hard in your adult life to have a lot of money. But when you're working hard chasing the money, you do not have time to really use it. And when you're old, after 3 decade plus of striving, finally you'll have enough money but you do not have the energy to do the things you want to do anymore! Contradicting? You bet it is...

Take the case of bitter coffee. Ok, why do ol'Jon like bitter coffee? In fact I'm having a long black at the moment, it is bitterly fragrant and aromatically soothing for me. Well, if you've read some of my post, you would know that ol'Jon like bitter coffee because it reminds me of the sweetness in life. What is bitter at your tongue will make you feel sweet in your throat. Don't believe me? Go get a strong black coffee and try to taste the sweetness that follows. Bitter coffee also remind me that life as a whole is a difficult and arduous journey that will test your resolves and personality to the tilt. But if you do not let the problems affect you, you will taste the sweetness of the journey and the rich reward of walking this adventure called LIFE. So, to get to the sweet stuff, ol'Jon is taking the bitter stuff; contradicting? You bet it is....

Today when driving to work, I kept on playing the song, "When I'm Gone" by Eminem. It is an old song by that white chap that can rap fantastically well. He also portrayed himself as being straight, problematic, talented, enigmatic and 'damage goods' profile. He contradicts himself a lot of time in his life. He loves his work but his work is making him adrift from his family. He loves his ex-wife but at the same time hate her so deep that he would've killed her if given the chance. He loves his fans and fame but at the same time he felt lonely when the curtain falls and the last cheering fan goes home. He is rich and surrounded by 'friends' but he would never work out what their intentions were. He is also a 'damaged goods' but is fiercely loyal. He is outrageously talented but tragically unstable. He is Contradictions with a capital C!
Here, click the youtube link here and listen to his song while continue reading my ramblings.....which ol'Jon think is an honest take on his life, even though he is too proud to admit it.

So what are your contradiction? ol'Jon is an expert in the automated machinery field. Because of people like me, prices of goods are lower, produced faster and quality control is better. But at the same time people like me will make others jobless, replace by a never complaining, twenty four seven machine that churns out goods. Sometimes I feel bad when I thought of the potential job loss due to my skill sets but when the latest product hit the market and every tom dick & harry could afford one, ol'Jon take comfort in knowing that ol'Jon had make technology affordable to the mass market yet feel a tinge of sadness that someone, somewhere out there had just lost his/her job. Contradicting? You bet it is.....

Another take on contradiction would be those people who are single & lonely out there. You hear them say they're lonely sometimes, you could see it in their eyes that they hope to find someone who could give warmth to them in the cold dark night. You could almost hear their heart crying out loud for companion yet to contradict themselves, they tell themselves that it is ok to be lonely. It is ok to be always remain single and it is ok to feel depressed all the time. It is ok to get disappointment in life. Well that is Contradiction all right! In life, you need to fight for things. In life you need to sacrifice a little to gain what you need. In life nothing comes free. So if you're single and felt lonely, stop contradicting yourself and get your @rse up and start to look for your happiness. Happiness does not just flew to your doorstep. Happiness is for those who look for it and chase for it. After that , you can choose to keep the happiness like how your parents always do, or like any modern men/women let it slip by you. It is your call....ol'Jon is good at looking for happiness and chasing for happiness....the art of keeping the happiness is still eluding me...which is a shame...coz if you let it slip out of your hands...chances are you'll never get it back. And no matter how many bouts of Karaoke rendition of 'The One That Got Away' by Katy Perry; your happiness will never be back.....this is when you become a 'Damaged Goods' which I shall touch on next time...

Stop Contradicting, go chase your happiness. Love knows no boundaries, race, religions, gender and social hierarchy!

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