Thursday, June 21, 2012

Life as it is~

It was once said that you can judge what type of man a person is during his funeral. If there is a lot of weeping and grieving people at his funeral, he must have been a very good man in his lifetime. If that someone had done great deeds to mankind, have been contributing to the people around him, then God will not want his departure from this world to be a lonely, cold and sparse event.

Lately, ol'Jon had a lot of thoughts on how would people remember me when I die? Will anyone even bother to bat an eyelid with my passing? Will anyone wept for me, grieve for me and sad that I've left this world and move on to another life(assuming there is one). How much would I have contributed to the society? Have I done enough in my lifetime to show kindness and help whenever I can? Simple things like helping the old lady across the street? Holding the door for that pregnant lady with kids? And more importantly, to those that are close to me, have I love them enough? Have I provide enough to them? Have I sheltered them from the coldness and sadness of this world? Lots gone through my mind, not less helped by Adele's Set Fire to the Rain blaring through the speakers as I type this.

I tell myself this, that I would appreciate each and every other day I have with Silly Bean, with King Nathan and Princess Natalie as nothing else is more important than the 3 of them to me. I do not know how many days I would be accorded till the Lord calls me home. I intend to make every day counts and make it a day that I leave a happy memory, a good memory for my 3 greatest treasure. I love them and there is nothing more important than making them happy. As when the one you love are happy, your heart lights up.

Go on now, go tell someone important to you that you love them and appreciate their life. Go on now, make their life more meaningful by contributing to their life experience. Be there for them and listen to them before it is too late. Too many times we regret not doing enough when it is too late. Go it!

  1. I love you Chiew Phing
  2. I love you Nathan
  3. I love you Natalie
  4. I love you Mum
  5. I love you Dad
  6. I love you Sis & Jasmine
Life is short, make every day counts and don't regret. The worst thing in life is when you're old and on your death bed wishing that you would've done things differently!

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