Friday, August 26, 2011

Of Peacocks and its reputation~

Pavo Cristasus - anyone of my reader here can guess what that is? A quick googling will reveal that this is the scientific name of the Indian sub-continent Peafowl family. Peafowl is the general term to describe Peacock and Peahen. There you have it, you've learnt something new today from my blog. Hooray, pop the champagne cue the music and roll out the credits! Well, wait a minute there, this is not all ol'Jon had to mumble this morning, no ol'Jon had a more cynical or deeper things to grumble...

You see, long long time ago the Peafowl family can fly. As a matter of personal preference and non-sexist, ol'Jon shall refer the Peafowl as just the Peacock. It sounds nicer and more a familiar with this term than the Peafowl or the Peahen anyway. Sorry gals, you live in the male dominated society and unless something drastic happen in the next few decades, ol'Jon will not ever see the rise of the Planet of the Females. You get perks and advantages as boys and most of the time you're faster, stronger and less vulnerable as a male species. Ok sorry for deviating, ol'Jon is not going to debate the dominate sex today, maybe next time but not now.

The 'Proud' Siamese Dragon Peacock

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Nathan Boy, All about Nathan~

 Nathan boy in a mask at Jasmine's birthday party

 Jasmine and Nathan enjoying the celebration


 Bumble bee Junior?

 Nathan the Red Baron!

 A determined face for the best dogfight pilot in the world...

Another shot, another killer cute face!
Cute eh?

I'm thinking, I'm thinking!

Nathan getting kisses from chicks..
Hmmm...where is my food?

That's how real men eat fries, 2 at a time....
What'cha looking at?

Mummy, Nathan hugging mummy!
Nathan's first lolipop

Yum Yum....
Coffee Bean - Every Sunday!
Table manners, part of the deal.

Look at me, dad finishes my food..
New trendy way to wear pants, on the head!
Hehe, look cute?
No,no stop no more picture...
Soldier Boy!
The junior Rambo~
Special Forces Nathan Boy..
Talk to the gun, talk to the gun man...


Friday, August 5, 2011

When you think you need a breather...take it!

ol'Jon was mumbling about not having time for myself and my precious family recently. This rant was after long working days from mid April until recently when I was abroad for 3 weeks. The problem is that ol'Jon really enjoy the work and was very motivated and hungry to get results done.

Incidently, this period of time coincides with my 'new' boss leaving our company abruptly(during my time in US).
No information or notices were given by the management, nor any detailed explanation to the whole sales team. As usual when there is an uncertainty, there will be gossips and speculation. Before long, ol'Jon was supposed to have 'make' my new boss vacate his position. Rumors were flying that I plotted and schemed to put my now ex-boss to swords. The theory was simple, ol'Jon was supposed to be the 2nd in line and seemingly 1+1 = 2, ol'Jon would be promoted when I'm back and so on.

Of course it was very unpleasant and affected me quite a bit. It was damaging as I would've never plotted anything evil to make people away. I'm definitely not the somebody in my ex-company who scheme, plot and shadow box. I hated this type of person, thus I'm sure than hell that I would not do this. At the same time it was rather flattering to me that these rumors we up. Seems like people has sit up and took notice of my abilities and 'power'. I could only laughed out loud but a the same time feel a tinge of sadness that I'm infact taken as such an dubious person. This of course makes me more tired and in a bigger need of a rest but somehow I just can't find time.