Wednesday, September 15, 2010

100 Acre Wood - September 2010 Jon's Version

I was browsing the net a couple of days back for some information on language classes and I noticed something very 'in' nowadays. There are ads in almost all the sites about 'cartoonizing' yourself. Basically it works by you sending in your best pictures to them and they cartoonize it for you for a small fees. Some of these are in the mould of 'Who Framed Roger Rabbit?' style while others are more Mangaish in their approach. It actually tickles me to see some really really old dude doing it as well as the target market of the young and trendy! Anyway, since it's the holidays and ol'Jon has lots of time, it makes me think of something very creative but a tad naive. What if, ol'Jon is just part of a show for someone else entertainment? What if the 6 billion plus ppl are all characters in Cartoons? Which cartoon will ol'Jon be in?

After some hard thinking and dismissing Japanese Hentai Anime(wahahaha), ol'Jon thought that he would do well in the Winnie the Pooh story. Ok here goes;

In the 100 Acre Wood(the home to all the Winnie The Pooh characters), there live a harmonious group of animals, Winnie the Pooh, Eeyore the Donkey, Tigger the Tigress, Piglet the Pig, Rabbit the Rabbit(of course), Kanga and Roo the Kangaroos and lastly Jon the Lion(new character!)

Jon the Lion is the new resident of 100 Acre Wood and he is one of the more crazy animal there. He is responsible, sweet, funny and a bit crazy. He is also sometimes hot tempered, forgetful and has a knack of giving too much opinions, more than people would appreciate. His is 100% crazily in love with Tigger(in this version of story, Tigger is a female character).

Second character is Tigger. She is very bouncy, very happy, and very kind Tigress. She makes ppl around her feel warmth and comfortable with her enigmatic charm. She is also able to makes grown ups bounce with happiness with her antics and funny character. In my 100 Acre Wood, the Tigger would be my Silly Bean, My CP and My Love. CP, like the Tigger is a much misunderstood creature. On the surface, she looks cold, fierce(it comes with being a tiger), unfriendly and unkind. But once you got to know her, you feel safe with her, you feel warmth with her, you feel happiness with her and most of all you feel her love. She is also fiercely territorial and sometimes defensive but that comes with the whole package and I love her to bits!

When Jon the Lion married Tigger the Tigress, out came Winnie the Pooh. Winnie the Pooh is the perenial favorite character in the 100 Acre Wood. He is a small little bear with a lot of charisma. He is lovable, huggable, extremely cute and his love for food is endless! Winnie the Pooh in a sense will be Nathan. Someone that brings endless joy and laughter to Tigger and Jon. Someone that gels Tigger and Jon even more. And someone who is loved by all that knows him. In a sense, Winnie(Nathan) is the most popular character in my story.

Then comes Eeyore. Eeyore is a donkey who is calm but extremly gloomy. He is also very intelligent but mostly keep it to himself. He is Jon's best friend and he is rightly Mr. Yeap aka Nutty! Nutty is a long time old friend of Jon. He is a very smart man with lots of knowledge but he tends to keep it to himself only sharing it if you pushed the right button. He is also fiercely loyal, patently good listener and ridiculously good mannered. Eeyore aka Nutty is the unassuming, steadfast and no nonesense friend any man would like and that is a very high credit someone can have.

After Eeyore, it is the turn of the Piglet. Piglet shall be Joan and Joan should be Piglet. No pun intended but Joan/Piglet is small in stature(not her legs though) but brave in face of trouble or danger. The problem is, she sometimes doesn't even know that she is brave to do a lot of things that ppl are not ready to do. If she want something she gets it done provided she didn't think about it first! Once she starts to think, she will not and cannot do anything anymore. Thus Piglet is Joan and Joan is Piglet, oh and Joan fancies bright color stuffs just like Piglet.

Rabbit is the next character in the 100 Acre Wood. Rabbit is pushy and takes his own desicion. She rarely listen to others and most of the time are depressed and moody. This is a toughie and after some ponderings, the character goes to Tan Bin Bin. She is a brilliant person but makes the most ridiculous decision sometimes. She is also a bit pushy for others to accepts her opinions using the cute and cuddly route with a all familiar; "Awww don't you think so? I don't know....but..." statement pushing you to accept it. However this might have changed since her migration to the land of Sewer Water(that is Singapore if you dont know)


Kanga and Roo is best described in my sister and her daughter Jasmine. Kanga the mother Kangaroo loves her daugther so much that she always warn her of the dangers, often advising her on stuffs and takes care of the daughter, sometimes too much. She pampers Jasmine and gives her the best there is. Jasmine/Roo on the other hand is cheeky, smart and cute. She loves running around the house. She also loves Tigger and Winnie and are best of friends with Winnie. She used to be very close to Tigger and adores her but circumstances had it that they dont meet that often anymore. So in my 100 Acre Wood, Kanga is my sister Elaine, and Roo is my niece Jasmine.

If my world is a cartoon, these are the few characters I know that will fit into the 100 Acre Wood. If only life were these simple....


  1. wahahahahahaha~ marvellous!! :D
    BUT, im not PIGLET!!!!!! :P
    i oways think dat im Donald Duck!! :X

  2. actually, i think Tigger is best of fren with Pooh...
