Friday, March 26, 2010

Speed don't kill, Recklessness and Idiocy does!

As I was driving back to Penang using our national highway(which is in a shambles), I couldn't help but notice so many billboards reminding car user not to speed. And speed kills a lot of people on the road each year. While I tend to agreed high speed collision is much more deadlier than slower pace one, it is people's recklessness, lack of awareness, carelessness and idiotic thinking that is usually the root cause of an accident.

Ok, occasionally some stray cows or animals decides to cross the road and that causes fatalities as well but more than not it is the human factor that is the reasons for accident to happen or waiting to happen.

While I was on the way back, it was drizzling and it was around 8 plus in the night. The sky was pouring half way through and it is generally a havoc for less talented drivers. For me, the coupe was comfortable doing 180kph along the way and never once it felt nervouse or untidy. I know my car limits, I am aware of my limits and I take precautionary steps like flashing lights from a far to let the car on the slow lane know I'm coming in fast, and occasionally some horns are blared to shoo off stupid drivers who verve into the fast lane trying to overtake a slower car while never judging the speed of the incoming cars.

Anyway, some pictures of my car and the gps readings....

A modern classic!

Just reached Ipoh and checking out the trip meter on the GPS

Look at the Max Speed column...hehe!

Speed dont kill, People kill People...or sometimes it is God's will!

Blaming speed for the fatalities on the road is akin to blaming Mc Donalds for the obesity problems affecting millions of kids worldwide, it's not Mc Donalds fault, it is the parents fault their kids is fat and lazy and that is the fact no matter which angle you look at it!

*I would like to confess that I'm a speed junkie but a very responsible, safe and conscious driver! Speed is an addiction....