Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Il Grande Keyence Famiglia ~ take 2!

Il sosia di talento ~ The talented impersonator
The sixth person I would like to mention is Siew, the perernnial impersonator in the house. He is technically sound and has good knowledge of things. Sort of the general knowledge geek like myself. He is into photography and unashamingly put up all the modelesque picture of me in his blog without paying me any royalty fees. Anyway, he is a good buddy of mine in Keyence and though he know nuts about cars;"cannot differentiate between naturally aspirated cars and forced induction cars" I still love the man. Come on now, everybody loves a baldie right? Ratings? Solid 7/10 for colleague and 8.5/10(gave him 0.5 points more coz he can impersonate hyenas and Smeagol) for being a friend. Verdict : A crappy person but comes with big hearts and a helping hand too!

L'uomo con forte passione ~ The man with passion
Person in Seventh Heaventh will be I-Yen. Hailing from Kuala Terengganu, he is a Kampung Boy with lots and lots of passion! He is also very talented in the Camera Vision field and would be an awesome competitor if he decides to jump ship. A soft spoken, well mannered person he can be also a ferocious when needed to be. With a Bodyguard From Beijing looks and good shades, he will look comfortable at any Hollywood sets needing an actor for the Chinese Triad member role! Cool eh? Ratings? 7.5/10 for Colleague and 7/10 for Friendship. Verdict : A man with great Passion but sometimes his Passions are not appreciated!

Bello l'uomo da est ~ Handsome man from east
The eighth person under the microscope would be the man who sells them. Bring forward Jimmy Teh, winner of Mr. Keyence for year 2007 & 2008 (Damn him, I use to be the most handsome person in Keyence before he joins; bagging the 2005 & 2006 title) Well apart from some drinking sessions and some dinners together, basically I don't know him that well. But from the offset he looks decent with smart dressings and a good taste for women...yum yum! Ratings? A respectable 6.5/10 for colleague and a lowly 6/10 for friendship. Verdict : Mysterious but to the Wrong Crowd!

L'uomo con il cuore / stomaco del leone ~ The man with the heart / stomach of the lion
Ok now, firstly let me get this out loud! I'm a proud Xaverian and tradition has it that we Saints won't mix with those wankers from Free School. We drilled 24/7 in schools by our seniors of the rivalry; be it sports or academic. Hmmm, Ryan Lee is from Free School, he is a Frees and a very fat Frees at that. I ought to hate him but his 'cuteness' won me over. He is care-free, good hearted and mild mannered person. Though he has the most irritating voice this part of the world, he is indeed very likable. He is also cumbersome, forgetful and tedious. Which makes him even cuter! I hate to say this but I like this Frees a lot...he is cool and he is alright!
Ratings? 7/10 for being a Colleague(minus 0.5 from him due to his mistakes makes me need to CN!) and a solid 7/10 for friendship. Verdict : This guy has a good heart and a hungry stomach too!

La bellezza con la pelle brutta ~ Beauty with bad skin
Next will be the prettiest girl ever to come out from Convent Datuk Kramat(High School) as per claimed by her anyway! Not one to disagree and as ever the gentleman, Jon agrees she is beautiful but thinks she is a bit over her head with that statement. Anyway, she is a very hardworking lady and usually stay in office longer than her boss(theoritically I'm her boss). She is also very meticulous about her work and very independent. If ever I were to leave this company, Wei Ling(CDK prettiest) and Charlotte(Lack of Confidence) would be 2 ppl I would like to work with again. Oh, she is also still so young which makes her dedication to work such a mystery! Pretty, Smart, Talkative, Funny and Hardworking is all her virtue. So a good 8.5/10 as a colleague and a 7.5/10 for being a friend. Verdict : No one tell his/her boss that he/she is OVERWEIGHT ~ even slightly! p/s : she has good facial attributes but she also got BadSkin...that's how her christian name is derived : Baskin Lee Wei Ling ryhmes with Baskin Robins

That's it for now; actually Keyence is a big company but these 10 ppl are the only one I think I'll mention for now. Until then, remember; Get that car, Buy that house and Shag that girl! You know you want it!


  1. lol....
    good point ^^...
    but...since when u r the hansem +est b4 Jimmy join in Keyence???!! wonder**
    who gave u tat award???
    hmm....suspect suspect*** grin**

  2. halo, you no eyes one kah?
    See me also know got entau ba d la.
