Thursday, September 29, 2011

In the pursuit of Happiness

Stayed back in office during lunch today, yea even with my massive size and appetite; I did skipped lunch today. A combination of work and work related problem makes ol'Jon lost appetite for lunch today. Couple that with my yearly 9 days vegetarian dietary in full swing and the nearest vegetarian outlet is 20 mins away, lunch shall be sacrificed today!

Anyway, today I'm not going to talk about lunch and the benefits of dieting. Well, don't diet, just do more exercise. Enjoy the meat, the cheese, the ice-creams and so on but remember to bring your lazy bum out for an exercise weekly if possible. Run some distance, climb some stairs and get the heart pumping. This way, no matter how much you eat, probably it will be burned out. I'm overweight, no doubt about that as I enjoy my food very much, and I have a liking for good beer as well! However I'm active in sports and can run like a train for up to 2 hours during a game. So I would like to think I'm in a good shape, and mind you ROUND is a shape too.

Friday, September 23, 2011

How much do you love your country?

Recently I overhead two people talking over lunch about Patriotism. Though I'm never a supporter of racism and believes all humans are equal beneath the Almighty God, I was astonished and curious of how each ethnicity defines patriotism. The two gentleman, which belongs to the Malay race were saying how much they love Malaysia because of three criteria; 1) They hang out the National Flag the weeks running to our Merdeka Day(Independence Day). 2) They all support the National Football Team. 3) They are willing to die for their country. Well ol'Jon only agrees to the 3rd point as the other 2 points seems to be superficial to me. You're not a patriot by just hanging the National Flag and certainly it doesn't make sense to support your National Football Team if they're in shambles. The right to criticise and be different does not seems apparent to these gentlemen.

Curious, I then talked to 2 Chinese in my workplace. Apparently to the Chinese(mostly anyway) the term Patriotism is defined as below; 1) Paying your taxes 2) Does not break the law 3) Willing to sacrifice for your country(monetary, effort and even ones life). Again, ol'Jon is a bit appalled that ol'Jon only agree to the 3rd point. Well, you pay taxes because of this country needs your contribution. You do not break the law because of the spirit of Law & Order. It doesn't mean that you're a Patriot by doing those 2 things. However the 3rd point is almost the same as the one talked about the 2 Malay gentlemen previously.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Love Hate Relationship - Updated

The world is going to welcome its 7 billionth inhabitants soon, chances are he/she (the 7th billionth person) would be born in India or China, with Indonesia having an outside chance to get the honor of hosting the Seventh Billionth Living People in the world. That is a lot of people, in fact the most ol'Jon had seen 'live' in person is approx. 80 thousand screaming Red Army watching them in action against the Malaysian National team in Bukit Jalil recently. To summarize and not c0cking on further, there is lots and lots of people out there and when there are lots of people, they will be a lot of opinions. You see, opinion is like an a$shole, everyone has one! And it is not cool to let off wind in the public, it is in fact stinky to do so.

So you might wonder why ol'Jon is blooping about opinions and people and so on this morning? Well, currently I work in an organization of 130ish people and trust me, boy do people here has lots of opinions/assholes in the day to day job! One had the opinion that the company is his birthright, some has the opinion that anything new must comes with concerns, some has the opinion that working is just doing his part, some has the opinion that his/her job is more difficult than others, some has the opinion that deadlines are imaginary boundaries, some has the opinion that changes are bad, a couple has the opinion that this company has limitless potential and one HAD an opinion that the Peacock can fly! Notices all the above uses the phrase, "has the opinion"? They still think that way...

Friday, September 2, 2011

I'm a Malaysian first, Chinese Second....and you can go f*ck yourself if you think otherwise!

A great video by a group of young Malaysian Chinese who are like me, a Malaysian first and Chinese second. If you love Malaysia and are like me, not willing to give up Malaysia, stand up and be counted! Do your country a service, fly the National Flag and Celebrate Merdeka with your love ones......with a good Country then you can have a good Family.....Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!

Daulat Tuanku, Tuhan selamatkan Negara tercintaKu....