Friday, December 3, 2010

Goodbye K & Hello ix

Life is full of surprises, a cliche perhaps overused over the years. One of my favorite lines in a movie was by Tom Hanks in the hit movie of 1994, Forrest Gump. I mean this movie could be the inspirational movie of the decade. It matter not that one is not intelligent mentally, it matters not that one speak with funny accent or how one has to wear support braces on the legs. It really doesn't matter if one is bound by the physical nature of its body. What matters is the heart to do things. What matters is the passions one has to do things. What really matters comes from the strongest muscle in our body, our HEART!

You see, poor Forrest was struck down by polio(need to verify) at a young age. He had to wear braces to support his movement. But one day when chased by a group of bullies, his poor legs about to fail him, he broke free from the braces and run like a stallion, powered by the will of the Heart. He went on to become one of the most famous faces in the history of US(in the story) and had the chance to be the first American to shake the hand of a Chinese premier during the cold war. He was apt in Ping Pong, he went to war in service of his country and he run the entire length of America. He also singlehandedly help invent the Smiley Face success story. But did Forrest had a superb body? Nope! Did Forrest had an intelligent mind? Nope! All poor old Forrest had was the Power of Will and the Passion of the Heart. Oh, before I forget, his favorite tag line was; "My Mama always says, Life is like a box of chocolate, you'll never know what you gonna get!"

Closer to home, ol'Jon has had a turbulent life thus far in career sense. Moving on from Keyence has been quite traumatic to my ego and self-believe. I've always thought that moving on will not be a loss to me, financially(immediate) and career prospect wise. There is quite some number of companies keen on getting my services on board. But none has the potential as Keyence, or so I thought. Some pays me more but need uprooting or put simply a competitor outfit(which I don't want). Some gave awesome titles and chances to lead a branch but numerically it is no match for my previous earnings. So I was in conundrum, do I accept a higher pay check and move my young family or accept my competitors offer? Or do I bask in a great title with great responsibility with mere chicken feed? Ok ok, the chicken feed part is exaggerated. So it really bothers me a lot and I've lost faith so many times and sort of thought about the dreaded What If situation over and over again in my head.

My pillar of strength is my wife CP. She supported me all the way and she pick me up from when I was down. She gave me advices and listen to my grouses and even give me a good kick on the backside when needed. She played the Good Cop Bad Cop role to perfection and in the end it gave me renew Will Power and Passion from the Heart to be brave enough to say NO to the jobs that I do not like/want. And then the call came for an interview with ixmation Asia. At first I did not put much thoughts to it and just went for the interview. It went well and before you know it, I've got the job. All in all, I would like to say that being a physically abled and with a sound intelligent mind person, we have to always learn from the less fortunate and be brave in making decisions, be powerful enough to resist things we don't want and be optimistic enough to know that Fortune Favors The Brave.

Every now and then, we need to be brave!

Special Thanks to CP for the Support/Love/Advice/Kicking in the Arse
Special Thanks to Joan for the Prayers and Supports
Special Thanks to Charlotte for the Believing in Me and Encouragements
Special Thanks to Siew the Funny Man with Smeagol Impersonation for Well Wishing
Special Thanks to All who has texted me, called me, mailed me and met me to offer Support

My new journey has begun.....God Willing it will be a fruitful and rewarding one!

1 comment:

  1. :D welcome my dear dailouuu!! :D
    gah yao laa!! :D
    god oways here for us! ;)
    god love us!! :D

