Friday, October 9, 2009

Yi Jia or not Yi Jia?

They say time flies when you passed your 21st birthday; and to a certain extend I agree with it. Being a mischevious kid, my childhood was marvelous and very memorable. Of course having a dad that is loaded helps. I can still remember the cycling trips I took; from my grandma's house at Teluk Bahang, we(my cousin x 2, Kai Jee and yours sincerely) cycled to Balik Pulau's area all the while without having a penny on the pocket! Sadly time flies and my grandmother had passed away for 2 years plus and I haven't been to Teluk Bahang as frequent since then.

Another sweet childhood memory was the uncle who sold the most delicious "bang chang kueh" at Kampung Pisang. Though mum loathe it due to the soft texture and creamy "bang chang kueh", I asolutely loved it! I reckon it was the best creation since slice bread! And exactly a week ago, ol'Jon drove to that stall to try the "bang chang kueh" for the first time since 1999! The uncle who sold the "bang chang kueh" was frail and old and could not recognize me anymore. A decade is a long time and in that decade he had forgotten this young skinny(yes I was skinny when I'm younger!) chap who cycled to his stall 5 times a week to get his trademark soft, creamy "bang chang kueh" ol'Jon thought what a pity, as he has forgotten about me!

This brings me nicely to my good friends whom I don't talk, meet or communicate with anymore. Bin Bin was a great friend but Singapore took her away. So I shall talk about her next time. Today, I'll talk about Joan Soon Yi Jia!

She is an enigma unlike anyone ol'Jon has met before. She was at first cold and fierce, but slowly and surely she was warm, nice, talkative and still fierce towards me! Anyway, she became one of the better friends that ol'Jon had and it was nice to have some silly young girl teaching you some in the loop terms such as; Lala = Young girls with over the top dressing; 016 = Young Desperate Girls with short skirts; SWT = SWEAT! and stuffs.

She would talk and talk and talk and talk without stopping and if you think that is strange, do listen to her loud infectious laughter or her occasional burst of bad words that is too indecent to be posted here anyway.
She is also a very good listener though a super lousy person to go for advise. She has a calming effect while is ticklingly(dunno if such words exist!) funny even she kept her mouth shut. She adores Joshua from her church for about 1 years now and dreamt of marrying her yet her biggest achievement of late is a kind smile from the guy! She looks in with her over the top fashion and make ups but deep down is a humble, shy and God fearing girl. She has the biggest heart some say leg(can't help it!), and would help whenever she can.

All in all she is a very good person and this type of friends comes once in a lifetime. Oh did I also mentioned she looks exactly like Angelina Jolie? In her dreams anyway! This is one girl who is one of the best people I've known and I would stick my neck out for her if she is in any trouble as I believe she would do the same for me anyway.

Fate has a strange twist and before long, Yi Jia and myself were adrift and no longer met and talk and joke and laugh and tease and more teasing! However it might turn out in the future, I'm so glad I did know this girl.
In a decade time perhaps, we shall revisit this post and see if our friendship has been stronger or has been weaken and eroden by the dust of time!

Here is hoping my good friend Soon Yi Jia will be happy and finally that idiot Joshua would do more than just smile at a beautiful girl with a big heart and kind soul!

Here is an edited photo of Joans with ol'Jon and Jason...shame that girl dont take pictures...well editing will be fine's a good way to say I miss her laughter, crazy jokes and friendship.
Take care piggy leg Joan...wahahaha...can't help it!

Here I found a proper picture of Yi Jia and her best friend Wei Ling!
Both are very proud and claims they're the most beautiful person in the land.
Oh, they have another friend Stephanie, also Chi Tai Khong like them.
But she now is Singapore coloring and saving them boring Singaporeans...hehe!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Fiat Coupe 20v Turbo Plus by Chris Bangle ~ Picture Courtesy CLay Photography~

My Bella, the 245bhp 340Nm of raw power and pleasure....God I love my Bella!
Look at those gorgeous lines, tautful, purposeful and muscular....will eat RX-8s for breakfast though!
Perfect ambient lighting? Shows the muscular profile of an Itallian Sports Coupe~

Higher Power Flash resulting in a reflection up the Bonnet! But aint it a beauty anyway?

Brembo Gods : 4 Pot Brembo Stopping Power ~ Trust me the Bella needs all the help it gets to stop it!

Thanks to my good friend CL Siew who took the time to shoot my Bella in the carpark.
I reckon he did a good job in potraying the Coupe's muscular lines and purposeful stance.
The guy is a semi-pro hiding in the Amatuer scene for photography!
If you like cars like I am, you're going to be blown away by the Coupe.

Frankly this car's performance, looks and exclusivity is one of its main attributes.
You can't fault the Itallians when it comes to styling....
Forget about the Ferrari Dino, this is the real baby Ferrari....

Rumors has it that the legendary Michael Schumacher has one of these in his stables back when it was first launched in 1999! Beat that!

Oh, you can check out for more of my good bugger's great work of photography...must visit if you're a photography loonies like CL Siew...take a bow!