Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Adious 2011 and Ola 2012~

As 2011 bid us farewell and a turbulent year draw to a close, ol'Jon is continuing a tradition to reflect on the achievements and failures of past year. I've done this for many many years and through this self-reflection, ol'Jon had improved as a human being and will continue doing it till the day the Lord decide to bring me home to Him. So, how has 2011 affected you as a person, be it from the achievement stand point or failure stand point. For me it is one of those many 'mixed' years I had, where success is followed by failures then success and then failure again. I wouldn't say it was a failure year but I too find it hard to call it a very successful year. To put it in a perspective, a solid 6.5/10 rating would summed up my year perfectly.

In the beginning of 2011, my career took a change for the better(I think so) when I was offered a job in ixmation MALAYSIA. It was an upgrade job from Keyence and I enjoyed it to bits. More pay, more authority, more responsibility and more challenge. From a local player, ol'Jon went global, arm twisting with the best in the world. It was a fresh breath challenge for me, something I enjoyed very much. My take on life is best described as dynamic whereby fresh challenges are needed to keep me interested and motivated. I've always had 'heart & passion' on my work and the need to be successful meant that I kept an empty glass attitude. Learning, experimenting, executing and more learning to achieve better results. It was all good and rosy for the 1st quarter of the month.

Friday, December 16, 2011

You'll Never Walk Alone ~ 2012

Lately the Red Army, my beloved Liverpool is playing with zest, style and passion again. It is a faint reminiscent of the 70s & 80s Liverpool team according to residential veteran Red supporter. Truth to be told, I fell in love with Liverpool in the early 90s during my formative years. And during that time, the most hated club in the world, Manchester United were winning everything. In fact they're still doing it at the moment.

Well, it was very tough being a Liverpool supporter during the Manchester Era. 90% of my school mates are Man Utd fans. A couple of die-hard Liverpool supporters are branded as Liverfools and You'll Never Walk Alone tag line is conveniently jotted as You'll Never Win Anything. But like our comrade in Merseyside, we Liverpudians are a tough lot. What we lack in numbers, we counter in passion and aggresiveness. It was a tough neighborhood in Merseyside and that toughness and link to the sea makes all Liverpool supporters(okay, that includes the Evertonians..them bitters!) tough as nails and some say vikings of the modern age.

In a sense, my love and support for Liverpool mirrors my personal well being and choices. For instance, I could safely say that I'm a tough person. My work is very tough but that is because I chose to set a high standards for myself. While I do not wish to set any pre-acceptance standards to my mates, I could've chosen their concepts of life. Why would I chose a tough job with high pressure? Well because I would like to be paid well. And why would I want to be paid well you asked? Because I'm always hungry....and that hunger always spur me on. I'm always hungry for more and no matter what peak I've climbed there is another peak in sight. Let me put it this way, how many 28 years old(yes I can hear giggles from some of my reader who knows me, more specifically my 'old' face but fact = I'm 28 only!) had owned 3 cars(still keeping 2 of it) and are on their second property? All on my own hard earned money? Yea, there are lots of bloke who has more on Daddy's money but let's leave that for another day. I speculate that there are quite a few of them in this world, maybe 2~3% of the 28 years old out there with the same success or more. Two conclusion would be that this type of people are always; 1) HUNGRY and 2) TOUGH as NAILS.