Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Fiat Coupe Rear LED Final Design - Merchandize Unit (Reduced 16mm size and Black PCB surface)

Smoke Black Off

Smoke Black On

Smoke Black Brakes On

Smoke Black Left

Red Side View(Reduced Size)

Smoke Black Reduced Size - Side View

Red Off

Red ON

Red Brakes On

Reduced Size Top View

Signal Lights Close Up

Focus View

Red Right

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Reduced Size Lenses vs F430 style Lenses

Reduced Size Whole Package comparison

More than 16mm lower than original

Height difference

Side by Side Comparison

Angled shot

All in all a good 16 height reduction in order to prevent the lenses sticking out of the cup. I shall post the pics of it installed on the coupe soon.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Fiat Coupe Rear Light - LED Type

Bottom Housing - Original

Side View - Bottom Housing

Bottom Housing with Custom Rubber Gasket

Side View - Gasket

Complete Housing - RED

Complete Housing - Smoke Black

Final Merchandize Smoke Black Tone

Bottom Housing with PCB - Cree High Grade LEDs used

Prototype PCB without Lenses

Smoked Black

Smoke Black - ON

RED Brakes ON

RED with Brakes ON

Smoke with Lights ON and FOG lights ON


RED Signal Lights ON

RED Side View

RED ON - Finger there as a reference to how big the light beam

Signal On - Rest of Light off

Hazard Lights ON

Side View

Smoke Black

RED Side-View


Red Signal Light On


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Karma Bites!

Do you believe in Karma? ol'Jon is a firm believer in Karma, you reap what you sow. You get what you deserve and sooner or maybe later, karma will catch up with you. You see, the place where ol'Jon grew up is a harmonious kampung(village in malay language) and everyone from the Malays, Chinese and Indians live in peace with one and another. Festivals was celebrated with each other, offering foods and wishes with all, irrespective of ones race. This is all good but like all good places, there sure to be a bad apple around the corner. There is this scoundrel called BIRD, who is a troublemaker of enormous talent! He is a chinese man who picks on everyone and will do a lot of bad things to everyone if one does offend him.

ol'Jon absolutely hated this guy and cannot stand his bullshit at all. He is much older, circa 15 years older than ol'Jon. Though he did not directly harm or hurt my family members in one way or another, ol'Jon just cant stand his bullying stance and his utter fugly face. He would throw stones or sometimes faeces to his neighbor's house(thank god ol'Jon lives a good 8 blocks away. He would start rumors about someone(in the village) wife being a slut and sleeping with someone else. And he has killed or injured numerous neighbourhood pets with firecrackers. He would also purposely smoke and puff the smokes at you if you happen to be close. I was once a victim and I was having none of it. If it was not because of my mum and sister, ol'Jon would've given him a bashing and a proper and timely one too. He is just so full of shit that even his mother hated him!

He also happens to sell drugs and earn a very good living. I remember that he drove a Nissan Sentra(100k) car doing his illegal stuffs. ol'Jon had to break his back and work his socks off to own one and till now still has a few loan payments to go. Cars are generally very much expensive in Malaysia due to the insane taxes and the low Ringgit value. He live a luxurious life doing illegal stuffs and was showing it off to good effect. I need to note too that he is always in and out of lock-ups as well during his glory days but the good times overshadow the bad ones. ol'Jon once asked God in a very strong worded question; " Dear God, if justice exists and you're all fair and mighty, how come a scoundrel like BIRD gets good money and easy life when he does all the baddest thing on earth?"

This morning while having breakfast with my parents and my niece, mum told me that BIRD was diagnosed with a deadly cancer. It is lethal but not those that take your life away quickly(liver & brain cancer comes to mind). He has a slow and painful lung and throat cancer. Those that take your life slowly and painfully. I was thinking to myself, is this Karma? Has God punished him by letting him suffer in life before welcoming him to Hell not Heaven? I think God answered my question to him 5 years back and it sends a cold shiver down my spine. HE is basically telling me; "I'm watching and you better be good in your life!"

ol'Jon has never ever been a bad person to make others life difficult. However I must confess I have my fair share of sins. Cursing is my habit, lying WAS my occupation and breaking hearts is what I'm good at. I'm fearful that one day HE will come and punished my for my wrong doings. In fact I'm very nervous about it.

So tonight, I make a decision to do A Random Act Of Kindess To A Stranger A Day whenever possible. However small the deeds are and however insignificant it might seems, I'll try to bring cheers and a helping hand whenever possible. I shall then be able to answer my Maker when my time comes and be proud to have done a difference in life. It's a challenge....